Now showing items 1-10 of 33
Open access initiatives in Kenya: The role of the librarian
(research gate, 2017-07)
Open access has brought a revolution in scientific publishing. It has brought about a new business model which allows everyone to read scientific publications free of charge. Open access has been touted as an answer to the ...
Do Earnings Announcement Have an Effect on the Level of Efficiency of The Nairobi Securities Exchange?
(Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2013)
Capital markets are normally considered to be efficient when prices reflect all the available information. However, there are instances when this information takes several weeks to be incorporated into share prices. This ...
What Are the Factors that Influence A Wide Interest Rate Band in Micro-Finance Institutions in Kenya?
(Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2014)
Interest rates play a significant role of intermediation between savers and potential borrowers. High deposit rates acts as incentives to attract savings while high lending rates discourage credit demand from potential ...
Library 2.0 and the changing landscape of information services in academic libraries in Kenya
(International Journal of Library and Information Science, 2015-12)
Traditional models of libraries offering information services are not working for current generation of students. The current generation of library users can be termed as‘digital natives’. These digital natives have grown ...
Redefining Reference Services In Academic Libraries: A Critical Review
(Knowledge Librarian, 2015-10)
Within the 21st century, academic libraries have witnessed a lot of technological
changes, which cannot be wished away. There is need to rethink and redefine the reference
services in the library. Reference librarians ...
Maximising the socioeconomic value of indigenous knowledge through policies and legislation in Kenya
(Emerald insight, 2018)
Purpose – Indigenous knowledge (IK) is the anchor of survival and stability for indigenous communities. The purpose of this study was to establish how the socioeconomic value of IK can be maximised in Kenya througheffect ...
Management of university research output in digital era: A case of Strathmore university library
(research gate, 2013-07)
Today scholarly information is being produced in digital format unlike few years ago when scholars used to present their work in a hard format.Kanyengo (2009) notes that creators of knowledge and publishers of knowledge ...
Application of Knowledge Management Pillars in Enhancing Performance of Kenyan Universities
(research gate, 2011-01)
Data are simple, discrete facts and figures such as names, characteristics and amounts. Information is more complex, for it organizes data for a meaningful purpose. Data might be a table of circulation statistics, but once ...
Embracing the Human Resource Department Role in Modern Organizations
(“Scholars Middle East Publishers, 2016-08)
Information Commons: A Service Model for Academic Libraries in Kenya
(Digital Technologies for Information and Knowledge Management, 2019-05)
The changing information landscape in today’s library environment has compelled libraries to shift from the conventional library service models to new service models. One of the new service models is Information Commons ...