Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Task Based Learning as an Alternative Approach to the Teaching of Languages in Kenyan Schools: Towards Best Practices
Although language syllabuses in Kenyan primary and secondary schools encourage teachers to involve learners in their own learning, actual classroom practices reveal that this is not fully implemented for various reasons. ...
The Treatment of Indigenous Languages in Kenya’s Pre- and Post-independent Education Commissions and in the Constitution of 2010
(Australian International Academic Centre, 2017-12-30)
An indigenous or community language is the language that nurtures the child in the early years of his or her life. The UNESCO land mark publication in 1953 underscores the importance of educating children in their community ...
The Teaching of English Idioms in Kenyan Secondary Schools: Difficulties and Effective Strategies
(Australian International Academic Centre, 2016)
Relating Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Connectors
Coherence and cohesion are essential elements that a well-constructed written sentence or text should consist of. Connectors are usually used to indicate coherence and cohesion between units of a discourse. A sample of ...