Browsing Department of Crop Science by Title
Now showing items 15-34 of 62
Constraints to On-Farm Maize (Zea mays L.) Seed Production in Western Kenya: Plant Growth and Yield
(ISRN Agronomy, 2012)Studies have shown that that about 85% of maize farmers in Western Kenya plant local varieties with about 80% using own farm-saved seeds. The production system is characterized by late harvesting, heavy striga infestation, ... -
Control of Bacterial Wilt in Tomato Using Chitosan Intercalated with Tea Extracts.
(OJS/PKP, 2022-04-21)In this study, tea extracts were intercalated in chitosan gel to enhance the inhibitory effect of the complex on bacterial wilt in tomato. The disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum can result in 100% crop loss under ... -
The Critical Onion Growth Stages For Selective Protection From Thrips Tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) Infestation
(Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi (Kenya), 2006-01)Field trials were conducted during 2000-2001 at KARIandrsquo;s Mwea-Tebere and Kiboko farms to establish the effect of onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman on onion bulb yields and to identify the critical onion growth ... -
Crop Production in Irrigation Schemes in Turkana County, Kenya, Before and During COVID-19 (2018-2021)
(2023-08-11)Turkana County, located in the northwest of Kenya, is an arid county and the poorest in the country, with a poverty index of 79.3% vs. 34.4% for the country. Due to its aridity, crop production is severely ... -
Do Mixed-Species Legume Fallows Provide Long-Term Maize Yield Benefit Compared with Monoculture Legume Fallows?
(Wiley, 2009-11-01)The deliberate planting of fast-growing N2–fixing legume monoculture species in rotation with cereal crops can be an important source of N for soil fertility replenishment. We hypothesized that mixed-species fallows have ... -
Dual inoculation of soybean with Rhizophagus irregularis and commercial Bradyrhizobium japonicum increases nitrogen fixation and growth in organic and conventional soils
(AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2021)Soil amendment with beneficial microorganisms is gaining popularity among farmers to alleviate the decline ofsoil fertility and to increase food production and maintain environmental quality. However, farm management greatly ... -
Dynamics of agricultural use differentially affect soil properties and crop response in East African wetlands
(Springer Science, 2013)Agricultural land use changes differen- tially affect soil fertility and crop production potential of wetlands. We studied East African wetlands with contrasting hydro-geological characteristics (high- and lowland floodplains ... -
Economic and Biological Values for Pasture-Based Dairy Cattle Production Systems and their Application in Genetic Improvement in the Tropics
(Journal of Animal Production Advances, 2015)Economic and biological values for milk yield (MY), milk butter fat (FY), daily gain (DG), weaning weight (WWT), mature live weight (MLW), calving interval (CI), pre-weaning survival rate (PreSR), post-weaning survival ... -
The effect and interaction of Trichoderma isolates on Armillaria fungus of tea
(2015)Fungal diseases are a biotic constraint in tea production worldwide. One such disease is Armillaria. The disease causes high mortality and yield losses of tea in almost all growing regions. The most common strain of this ... -
Effect of Intercropping on Potato Bacterial Wilt Disease and Tuber Yield in Kenya
(Karatina University, 2023-12-06)Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a major tuber crop in Kenya, whose productivity is heavily impaired by bacterial wilt disease, caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith). Existing management strategies have not been effective, ... -
Effect of Biological Contro Antagonists Adsorbed on Chitosan Immobilized Silica Nanocomposite on Ralstonia solanacearum and Growth of Tomato Seedlings
(Advances in Research, 2016)Background: Biological control holds promise in managing bacterial wilt disease. However, its efficacy is limited by harsh environmental conditions when applied without use of suitable carrier materials. Aim: The study ... -
Effect of management and soil moisture regimes on wetland soils total carbon and nitrogen in Tanzania
(Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2013)Wetland soils play an important role as storage compartments for water, carbon and nutrients. These soils implies various conditions, depending on the water regimes that affect several important microbial and physical-chemical ... -
Effect of soil PH on postharvest pathological deterioration of sweet potato storage roots
(African Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 2008)Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is the world’s seventh most important food crop but its potential to contribute to food security and income generation is limited in tropical developing countries by its short ... -
Effect of temperature on the development of Orius albidipennis Reuter, a predator of the African legume flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti Trybom
(2002)The effects of temperature on the development of Orius albidipennis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), reared on its prey, Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), were studied in the laboratory. Nymphal ... -
Effects of blended fertilizers on soil chemical properties of mature tea fields in Kenya
(2018-06)Kenya’s tea industry depends predominantly on imported NPK fertilizers to replenish nutrients removed through plucking. In this respect, two blended fertilizers containing NPKS 25:5:5:4+9Ca+2.6Mg and NPKS 23:5:5:4+10Ca+3Mg ... -
(2018-08)Kenya’s tea industry depends predominantly on imported NPK fertilizers to replenish nutrients removed through plucking. In this respect, two blended fertilizers containing NPKS 25:5:5:4+9Ca+2.6Mg and NPKS 23:5:5:4+10Ca+3Mg ... -
Effects of Land Use Change on Banana Production:A Case Study of Imenti South Sub-County of Meru County in Kenya
(Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, 2020-09)Most high agricultural potential regions in Kenya such as Imenti South (Meru County) have exceeded their population density and have been associated with sharp decline in farm productivity. There has been a ... -
Effects of maturity stage, desiccation and storage period on seed quality of cleome (cleome gynandra l.)
(Research Desk, 2014)Cleome gynandra (L.) is a weed that grows throughout the tropics and sub-tropics. In Kenya it is gradually being domesticated and grown as a vegetable that is used in many culinary systems for its remarkable nutritional ... -
Effects of Packaging and Storage Conditions on Quality of Spider Plant (Cleome gynandra L.) Seed
(African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2019)In Kenya, spider plant (Cleome gynandra L.) has gained popularity among consumers due to its nutritional and medicinal values. In the local markets, bundles of leafy shoots as well as uprooted young plants are offered at ... -
Efficacy and mode of application of indigenous local Beauveria bassiana isolates in the control of the tea weevil compared to Karate
(2015)The tea crop in Kenya ubiquitously is exposed to biotic and abiotic stresses which can be devastating. These include damage by five species tea weevils. Tea weevils reported to occur in Kenya include, the tea root weevil ...