Characteristics and Growth Performance of Kuchi Indigenous Chicken

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Chesoo, Ben
Oduho, George
Kios, David

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About This Book RECOMMENDATIONS To Poultry Breeders: To avoid genetic dilution and erosion of local chicken genetic resource, it is recommended that further characterization of the Kuchi ecotype is made(phenotypic and molecular), through within and between ecotype selection in order to utilize and conserve these indigenous genomes in a sustainable way, To Policy Makers: It is recommended that the line department in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, collaborates with Animal Scientists who are interested in researching into indigenous chicken, particularly the Kuchi, for the purpose of patenting, conservation (Gene-banking) and production since this ecotype has the potential of being harnessed towards rural livelihood improvement, not only in Kenya but also in other developing tropical countries; and, To Farmers: Findings from this study, the researcher recommends that the farmers select and line breed ecotypes which are high body weight gain and plumage colours not attractive towards predators. Kuchi IC ecotype satisfies all these attributes; thus, the researcher highly recommends it to the farmers.


Abstract on Kuchi Indigenous Chicken


Animal Science




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