Books, Book Reviews and Book Chapters

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This Collection contains Books locally produced/published in Kenya and by Kenyan Authors


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    The Critical Onion Growth Stages For Selective Protection From Thrips Tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) Infestation
    (Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi (Kenya), 2006-01) Waiganjo, M. M.; Sithanantham, S.; Mueke, J. M.; Gitonga, L. M.
    Field trials were conducted during 2000-2001 at KARIandrsquo;s Mwea-Tebere and Kiboko farms to establish the effect of onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman on onion bulb yields and to identify the critical onion growth stage for selective protection from the pest infestation. Yield reductions of 59 and 27% were recorded in the first and second crops respectively at Mwea-Tebere, but no significant yield reductions were observed in a third crop grown at Kiboko with low thrips infestation. A significant onion yield response to thrips infestation was observed during the 2nd month after transplanting (bulb-formation) and 3rd month after transplanting (bulb-enlargement), but no significant response was observed during the 1st month (pre-bulbing) and 4th month (maturation stage). Onion protection during bulb-formation and enlargement stages only, resulted in higher marginal returns than full season pesticide application. The studies suggest that control recommendations for onion could be refined to optimize need-based protection.
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    Fishery Industry in Kenya: Towards the Development of a National Policy
    (Karatina University, 2006-07) Aloo, Peninah
    This book, which is the precursor of the fisheries policy, comprises eight chapters. Chapter One introduces the reader to the fisheries industry including the status, challenges and the rationale for the fisheries policy. The principles and objectives of the fisheries sector and ten broad policy areas are explained in this chapter. Chapter Two gives an overview of the three sub-sectors: marine, inland and aquaculture. Chapter Three to Five, gives an in-depth analysis of each of the three sub-sectors. In the case marine and inland fisheries, the status of each is analyzed in terms of types of fisheries, export, constraints and policy interventions. For aquaculture, the situation in the country, development options and strong justification for its development are discussed. Chapter Six discusses policy statements for each fisheries sub-sector. In this chapter, the key issues are highlighted and actions recommended. Chapter Seven concludes with policy interventions for each of the policy areas and implementation
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    A community project for Agriculture in Kenya
    (2004) Muchiri, S. Mucai; Ngugi, C.C; Hickley, P.
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    (Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program, 2005) Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program
    A major barrier to socio-economic development in sub-Saharan Africa, including Kenya, is food inadequacy. Some of the more important factors that have led to this status are rapid population growth outstripping food production capacity, post-harvest losses, land degradation that leads to further decline in soil fertility, and climatic changes, particularly periodic droughts and subsequent flooding. This food shortages coupled with high poverty rates that diminish people’s ability to afford the ever increasing food prices, has led to related health problems especially in rural areas. In the effort to meet the required food supplies to feed the growing population, forest lands have been cleared for small scale agriculture. Inevitably, a major challenge to economic developing in Kenya is, therefore, the sustained increase of food production without compromising the integrity of the environment within which that much required food is produced. As such the project seeks to complement other projects that seek to “improve the productivity and sustainability of land use systems in Nzoia, Yala and Nyando river basins through adoption of an integrated ecosystem management approach” through development of on-farm and off-farm conservation practices and increased local capacity (Global Environmental Facility, 2004:3). Desired outcomes include increased biodiversity and reduced erosion (GEF, 2004).
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    Keys to Soil Taxonomy
    (United States Department of Agriculture: Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2006) United States Department of Agriculture
    The publication of this edition of Keys to Soil Taxonomy (the 10th edition) coincides with the 18th World Congress of Soil Science, to be held at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in July 2006. The last time the World Congress was hosted in the United States was in 1960 at Madison, Wisconsin. At that time, Soil Classification: A Comprehensive System, 7th Approximation was released for review and testing. The classification system was officially adopted for use in the United States soil survey program in 1965. The first edition of Soil Taxonomy: A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys was published in 1975. Over the years Soil Taxonomy has been modified and expanded to reflect our increased knowledge of the world’s soils. After the first eight editions of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy were released, the second edition of Soil Taxonomy was published in 1998. Since then, the 9th edition of the keys was published in 2003, and now this 10th edition in 2006. The publication Keys to Soil Taxonomy serves two purposes. It provides the taxonomic keys necessary for the classification of soils in a form that can be used easily in the field. It also acquaints users of the taxonomic system with recent changes in the system. This edition of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy incorporates all changes approved since publication of the ninth edition in 2003. We plan to continue issuing updated editions of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy as changes warrant new editions. The authors of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy are identified as the “Soil Survey Staff.” This term is meant to include all of the soil classifiers in the National Cooperative Soil Survey program and in the international community who have made significant contributions to the improvement of the taxonomic system.
©Karatina University