Books, Book Reviews and Book Chapters

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This Collection contains Books locally produced/published in Kenya and by Kenyan Authors


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    Children's participation in Khat production: Educational implications
    (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014) Mukami, Faith
    This book is about children's participation in khat production. It describes the push and pull factors for children's participation in khat production and their implications for schooling. It also describes the perceptions on their participation in khat production and on schooling. Their Participation in khat production is depicted as child work and not labour. This book also depicts children as having agency and not as passive victims of exploitation. It presents the children as people who are capable of examining issues in life and who make decisions on how to act depending on how they interpret the situation.
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    Characteristics and Growth Performance of Kuchi Indigenous Chicken
    (2016-08) Chesoo, Ben; Oduho, George; Kios, David
    About This Book RECOMMENDATIONS To Poultry Breeders: To avoid genetic dilution and erosion of local chicken genetic resource, it is recommended that further characterization of the Kuchi ecotype is made(phenotypic and molecular), through within and between ecotype selection in order to utilize and conserve these indigenous genomes in a sustainable way, To Policy Makers: It is recommended that the line department in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, collaborates with Animal Scientists who are interested in researching into indigenous chicken, particularly the Kuchi, for the purpose of patenting, conservation (Gene-banking) and production since this ecotype has the potential of being harnessed towards rural livelihood improvement, not only in Kenya but also in other developing tropical countries; and, To Farmers: Findings from this study, the researcher recommends that the farmers select and line breed ecotypes which are high body weight gain and plumage colours not attractive towards predators. Kuchi IC ecotype satisfies all these attributes; thus, the researcher highly recommends it to the farmers.
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    Information Needs of Publishing Personnel in Kenya
    (LAP LAMBERT Academic, 2018) Mbengei, Bernard
    This study sought to find out the information needs and information seeking behaviour of publishing personnel in a typical Kenyan book publishing firm, the Longhorn (K) Ltd. The study identified the problems that publishing personnel encounter in their work situation in their endeavour to satisfy their information needs and also suggested possible solutions to some of the problems. Understanding of the information needs and information seeking behaviour of publishing personnel might be helpful in designing better information systems for them. The study employed mainly a qualitative case study approach. An interview schedule was used to guide the researcher in data collection in face-to-face personal interviews with the respondents. Observation and documentary sources were used to complement interviews in data collection. On average, the interview sessions lasted between half to one hour. Altogether, forty two (42) members of staff engaged in work related to publishing were interviewed and the data carefully recorded and analysed. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in analysing data collected from the respondents
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    The Role of Academic Libraries in Webometrics Ranking of Universities in Kenya
    (Moi University Press, 2019) wamahiga, George M.; Kwanya, Tom
    Academic institutions now operate in highly competitive environments. Consequently, myriad mechanisms for rating the services and impact of universities have emerged as a means of influencing the choice of potential students, faculty and partners. Webometrics has emerged in the recent past as one of the most popular frameworks for measuring the impact of universities. This mechanism puts great emphasis on research productivity and dissemination. Academic libraries have developed and implemented strategies to enhance their ranking. The role and levels of involvement of academic libraries in these strategies is unclear. This study analysed the role of academic libraries in enhancing Webometrics ranking of their parent institutions. It also examined the degree to which libraries are currently involved in enhancing the Webometrics ranking of their institutions as well as how they can scale up their roles. This study was designed as an exploratory survey because webometrics is a relatively new concept. Primary data was collected through key informant interviews with academic librarians. The respondents were selected through information-oriented purposive sampling. Additional data was collected through literature review. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The study established that academic libraries in Kenya are, to a great extent, involved in webometrics strategies through the development of the institution’s repositories, generation of web content as well as publishing and providing access to updated e-resources. This involvement is effective because it facilitates enhanced scholarly communication, resolute institutional web presence, collaboration and networking among institutions, and ultimately endorsement of the institutions’ webometrics ranking. The involvement can be scaled up through effective ICT policies and infrastructure, continuous training, involvement in library consortia, and high quality content development. The findings of this study may be used by academic libraries to mainstream their role in enhancing the research productivity and impact of their institutions hence facilitating a favourable ranking.
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    Culture and tourism: Role Of Culture and Ethnicity on leisure and travel participation
    (LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011-06-29) Mbuthia, Susan
    As Tourism is seen as the World's largest industry, it is without doubt that it is practiced everywhere and by almost everyone despite of their ethnicity, culture, values or traditions. The book brings to light a decisive background of the terms culture and Ethnicity, while exploring some major global issues that affect minorities when deciding upon where and how to go or participate in leisure. The Central message of this book is that as the world becomes a global village, people are seeing themselves in different parts of the world where they either become minorities, immigrants or simply "visitors". While the Book explains the terms such as ethnicity and minority, it also investigates the role culture and ethnicity plays while one decides to travel. Bon voyage!
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    Prevalence and Intensity of Intestinal Parasites in School age Children in Thika District, Kenya
    (2012-01) Ngonjo, Teresia; Kihara, Jimmy H; Gicheru, Michael M; Wanzala, Peter; Njenga, Sammy; Mwandawiro, Charles
    The study was conducted in four public primary schools namely, Athena (peri-urban), Kathambara (rural), Kianjau (slum) and St.Patrick (urban); in Thika district, Kenya. Overall prevalence of helminthic infections was 38.9%, 48.9%, 48.9% and 31% for Peri-urban, rural, slum, and urban school respectively. Overall prevalence of protozoan infections was 46.3%, 38.9%, 34.8% and 28.7% for Peri- urban, rural, slum and urban schools respectively. The common infections were Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, Trichiuris trichiura and Schistosoma mansoni. Ascaris lumbricoides infection was significantly higher in slum and rural than in peri-urban and urban schools (χ²=14.425, df=3, p<0.05). Hookworm infection was significantly higher in the rural and peri-urban schools than in urban and slum schools (χ²=15.268, df=3, p<0.01). Entamoeba histolytica was significantly higher in rural and slum schools than in peri-urban and urban schools. (χ²=9.29, df=3, p<0.05). There were 10 cases of Schistosoma mansoni probably acquired from Mwea irrigation scheme since there is no active transmission in Thika District. In this study, there is clear indication that worms and protozoa infections are a problem in urban, slums, peri-urban and rural schools in Thika district. It is therefore our recommendation that schools in this area be included in mass school based deworming programmes. We further suggest that school children be considered for treatment of protozoa especially Entamoeba histolytica which can contribute significantly to diarrhea and intestinal discomfort.
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    Current Status of Soil-Transmitted Helminths among School Children in Kakamega County, Western Kenya
    (2016-01) Ngonjo, Teresia; Okoyo, Collins Omondi; Andove, Julius; Simiyu, Elses; Lelo, Agola Eric; Kabiru, Ephantus Wanjohi; Kihara, Jimmy H; Mwandawiro, Charles
    Background. School age children are at high risk of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) worldwide. In Kenya, STH infections in children remain high despite the periodic administration of anthelmintic drugs. Our study assessed the prevalence and intensity of STH in primary school-aged children in Kakamega County, western Kenya. Methodology. We carried out a cross-sectional study on a population of 731 children attending 7 primary schools in March 2014. Children aged 4–16 years were examined for STH by the quantitative Kato-Katz technique. Infection intensities were expressed as eggs per gram (epg) of faeces. Findings. Among 731 school children examined for STH, 44.05% were infected. Highest prevalence of STH was in Shitaho primary school where 107 participants were examined and 62.6% were infected with mean intensity of 11667 epg. Iyenga had the least prevalence where 101 participants were examined and 26.7% were infected with mean intensity of 11772 epg. A. lumbricoides was the most prevalent STH species with 43.5% infected, while hookworm infections were low with 1.8% infected. Conclusion. Prevalence of STHs infections in Kakamega County remains high. We recommend guidelines and other control strategies to be scaled up to break transmission cycles.
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    Likes and comments: The untamed Facebook sex education in Uganda and Kenya for emerging adults
    (IGI global publisher, 2017) Kendagor, Ruth; Mpiima, David Mugambe; Ndung'u, Sara Wairimu
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    Relationship Between SMASE-Trained Teachers’ Factors and Primary School Pupils’ Mathematics And Science Achievement in Murang’a County, Kenya
    (Academic Research Journals, 2014) Gachahi, Michael W.; Kimani, Gerald N.; Ngaruiya, Boniface
    This study investigated the relationship between SMASE-trained teachers’ factors and pupils’ achievement in Mathematics and Science in primary schools in Murang’a County. Correlational research design was adopted in this study. Stratified random sampling was used to ensure that rural and urban schools in the County were represented. One hundred and nine teachers participated in the study. Four research instruments that included teachers’ questionnaire, a lesson observation guide and two achievement tests, one in Mathematics and the other in Science, were used in the study. Chi square and Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used to test the null hypotheses (α =.05). The study found that SMASE-trained teachers’ gender, teaching experience and level of application of SMASE skills were not significantly related to students’ academic achievement.
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    Regional Linkages in the Kenyan Horticultural Industry
    (Ashgate, 2015-01) Dannenberg, Peter; Nduru, Gilbert
    In rural areas of industrialized societies, food production as a basis for growth and employment has been declining for many decades. In the Global South, on the other hand, food production is still often the most important factor for socio-economic development. Analysing the ongoing changes and dynamics in rural development from a functional perspective through a series of case studies from the global north and south, this volume deepens our understanding of the importance of new functional and multifunctional approaches in policy, practice and theory.
©Karatina University