Master Theses and Dissertations

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    ABSTRACT The adoption of green supply chain management system is becoming more acceptable in most of the organizations. Despite the large number of businesses that understand the importance of Green Supply Chain Management in the wake of increasing environmental pollution, the number of firms that actually engage in such practices is significantly lower than expected and its sustainability is low. Many organizations have realized the benefit of sustainability in the management practices. This has led to the endeavors in innovative strategies such as the procurement procedures. Previous interventions have not helped organizations to reap the benefits of sustainability in their supply chain practices. The study target population was tea factories in Nyeri county. To achieve sustainability, green supply chain practices have been introduced as key activities targeting an enhancement to the procurement of their tea factories. This study’s main objective was to establish the relationship between green supply chain practices and sustainability of tea factories in Nyeri County, Kenya. The study specifically aimed to: determine the influence of reverse logistics on sustainability, establish the influence of green procurement on sustainability, to examine the influence of green packaging on sustainability and to establish the influence of waste management system on sustainability in tea factories in Kenya. This study was based on two theories; Supply Chain Management Theory and Logistics Management Theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the target population was a total of 65 management staff working in 5 Tea factories in Nyeri County, Kenya. The study applied purposive sampling technique to select; 1 functional manager, 6 supervisors, 5 sectional heads and 1 management trainee per each factory. The main data collection instruments were the questionnaires containing both open ended and close ended questions with the quantitative section of the instrument utilizing both a nominal and a Likert-type scale format. The study used primary and secondary data. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaires using Cronbach Alpha. Descriptive statistics data analysis method, inferential statistical tools such as correlation and linear regression was used to determine and explain variable relationship using Statically Package for Social Sciences version 23. The study findings are expected that it helped the management of tea factories, county government and the agriculture ministry in improving the sustainability in the tea industry in Kenya. The study findings revealed that the factories are using green packaging practices, factories use eco-designs packaging materials for the products it produces and tea factory obverses packaging re-cycle after procuring goods. The tea factory observes packaging re-use after procuring and they are using materials that can be recycled after use. However, company does not use materials that can be recycled and factories may be using some approved while others are using unproved materials. The waste management system affects sustainability, the factories have adopted alternative sources of transport apart from those that pollute the environment. There is need for the factories to recycle some products to reduce wastage and environment is clean. The study recommends that there is need to ensure that factories uses green procurement selection. There is need to use materials that not harmful to the environment. The factories should collaborate with suppliers to meet the environmental problems. There is need for the factories to use approved materials in their factories and they should materials that can be recycled later to avoid environment harm. The factories should adopt green packaging practices and also factories should use eco-designs packaging materials for the products it produces. There is need for the tea factories to put a system in place to treat hazardous wastes from tea factories such as electronics.
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    Resettled farmers in Shalom settlement scheme originated from agro-ecological zone II in Nakuru and Uasin Gishu, Rift Valley region. Comparatively, these areas have better agricultural and livestock production potential than agro-ecological zones IV in Laikipia Central Sub-county where they are currently settled. Crops and livestock production has remained their main sources of livelihood therefore in their unfamiliar agro-ecological zone; they are compelled to practice different farming practices to sustain their production. There is scanty research on the range of adaptive strategies that these resettled farmers have adopted as the most effective in their current unfamiliar agro-ecological zone. The main purpose of the study was to examine the adaptation strategies by resettled farmers Laikipia Central Sub County. The specific objectives of the study were to compare agro-ecological conditions in zone II the farmers’ initial region with the new resettlement area, to identify the constraints faced by resettled farmers in adapting to unfamiliar agro-ecological zones’ conditions in Laikipia Central Sub County, to identify the adaptation strategies adopted by resettled farmers in unfamiliar agro-ecological zones’ conditions in Laikipia Central Sub County. The study employed Impoverishment Risk and Reconstruction Model. A descriptive survey design was adopted for this study. The target population for the study was 1525 household heads. A sample of 233 households was derived from 15% of the targeted population and 4 community leaders. Key informants were sampled through purposive sampling procedure and census survey was used for 4 community leaders. Data was collected from the household heads using questionnaires as well as through interviews with 4 community leaders. Quantitative data was analyzed using t-test and ANOVA in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 26.0). The results showed significant differences in agro-ecological conditions between Shalom and Nakuru (t-test value = 0.441, p = 0.034) and between Shalom and Uasin Gishu (t-test value = 0.2511, p = 0.012). To mitigate these differences, most resettled farmers have adopted adaptation strategies like water harvesting and conservation, crop diversification and changing of the planting calendar which they consider as the most effective while migration is considered the least effective. Effective adaptation strategies, coupled with support from various stakeholders, are essential for enhancing agricultural resilience and ensuring sustainable livelihoods in the face of changing climatic and environmental conditions. Continued research and targeted interventions can further empower these communities to thrive amidst climatic and environmental uncertainties. Policymakers and stakeholders should alsoleverage these insights to design targeted interventions that address the specific needs of resettled communities, fostering sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing the overall success of resettlement initiatives.
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    Identification of Maize leaf diseases based on Support Vector Macina and Convolutional Neural Networks Alex Net and ResNet
    (Karatina University, 2023) Murimi, Micheni Maurice
    Protecting maize crops from devastating plant diseases ensures global food security. Accurate disease identification is essential for implementing effective control measures. However, traditional visual analysis of symptomatic leaves used by maize farmers in Kenya is time consuming, costly, subjective and prone to errors. Embracing computer vision technologies, such as deep learning and machine learning, offers promising solutions to these challenges, enhancing crop productivity. The general objective of this study was to develop models for maize lethal necrosis (MLN) disease, maize streak disease (MSD) and Gray leaf spot diseases (GLS) detection and classification using AlexNet and ResNet 50 convolutional neural networks (CNN) architectures and machine learning Support Vector Machine (SVM). The specific objectives of this study were to: identify maize leaf disease (MLN, MSD and GLS) using AlexNet, ResNet-0 and SVM models, to evaluate the performance of the AlexNet, ResNet-50 and SVM models in the classification of MLN, MSD and GLS. Digital maize leaf disease images were collected from maize farms in Embu County, resulting in a dataset of 3200 images, with 800 images for each disease category. The results indicate that AlexNet and ResNet50 achieved high accuracy in identifying maize leaf diseases, recording average accuracies of 98.3% and 96.6%, respectively. In contrast, the SVM model exhibited the lowest average accuracy of 85.5%. AlexNet demonstrated exceptional accuracy in classifying Maize Streak Virus (MSV) with a rate of 99.85%, followed by ResNet50 at 99.2%. Conversely, SVM had a lower recall value of 81.7% for Grey Leaf Spot disease. By incorporating these advanced models, farmers and stakeholders in maize crop protection can identify diseases early, allowing for timely interventions and improved disease management strategies. Consequently, this will lead to increased maize productivity and enhanced crop quality. Early disease detection also facilitates the judicious use of pesticides, safeguarding the environment and human health. The findings underscore the importance of leveraging these technologies to enhance food security, optimize agricultural practices, and promote sustainable maize production.
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    Effects of dexamethasone on antibody response and anaemia in Sprague Dawley rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei.
    (Kenyatta University, 1991-09) Gitonga, Linus Muthuri
    Sprague Dawley rats infected with Trypanosom·a brucei brucei strainIL3579 (2616) developed parasitaemia characterised by intermittent remission and relapses. Infected rats developed progressive anaemia that was macrocytic normocytic. The rats responded to trypanosome infection by formation of antibodies, as shown by, enhanced y-globulin levels and agglutination of trypanosomes by serum derived from infected rats. Dexamethasone treatment, using different concentrations administered 24 hours before infection, ablated the antibody response as evidenced by reduced r-globulin levels in the treated groups. In dexamethasone treated rats, parasitaemia were elevated and remission eliminated, suggesting the involvement of an antibody in trypanosome clearance in rats whose humoral response was not compromised. The corticosteroid treatment also ameliorated the infection induced anaemia, as evidenced by reduced percentage fall in haematocrit. It is, therefore, most probable that the r-globulin fraction not only plays a key role in trypanosome clearance but also in the aetiology of anaemia in rodent trypanosomiasis.
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    Survey of Production Practices and Evaluation of Onion Varieties Susceptibility to Thrips in Kirinyaga District, Kenya
    (2009) Kibanyu, James Kimani
    In Kenya, dry onion, Allium cepa L., is among the most important vegetable crops for domestic market. However, records indicate that onion production does not meet the local market demand resulting to imports. To identify onion production constraints experienced by onion growing farmers, a field survey was conducted in Kirinyaga District of Central Kenya, an area where commercial production of onions was promoted since 1950s. Insect pests were significantly rated as the most limiting factor in production of onions followed by diseases, lack of capital, unreliable onion market, weed control and inadequate supply of water for irrigation in that order. The findings of the present study were expected to provide baseline information upon which solutions to the many problems affecting onion production would be addressed. The second part of this study involved evaluation of the level of susceptibility of onion varieties to attack by onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lind.). Field trials were conducted at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) centres at Mwea and Thika. Results indicated that different onion varieties available in Kenya had different levels of susceptibility to attack by onion thrips. BSS 230 Hybrid and Red Comet onion varieties significantly harboured the highest and the lowest number of onion thrips respectively. Red Creole, Bombay Red and Texas Grano had medium levels of susceptibility. Highly leafy onion varieties tended to harbour a higher number of thrips compared to the less leafy ones. Infestations of onion varieties by large number of onion thrips adversely affected the growth of onion crop. Red xxi Comet although significantly harbouring the least number of onion thrips displayed the highest loss of growth and was, therefore, the least tolerant to damage by thrips. Onion varieties grown in Kenya had the capacities of producing over 30 t/ha. Texas Grano onion variety significantly produced higher yield than all other varieties tested. BSS 230 Hybrid was also high yielding despite the high number of thrips harboured by the variety. Red Creole and Bombay Red had moderate yield capacities. Red Comet significantly produced the lowest yield. Increased thrip load led to increased yield loss for all the varieties. However, Red Comet onion variety recorded the lowest thrip load but had the highest percent yield loss implying that it was least tolerant to damage by onion thrips. Infestations of various onion varieties by thrips were found to peak three months after transplanting. High temperatures and low rainfall tended to encourage higher levels of onion thrips on onion plants. It was revealed that the damage of onion leaves by onion thrips depended on their numbers. BSS 230 Hybrid and Bombay Red onion varieties were found to significantly show the highest foliar damage score compared to the rest of the varieties. There were no significant differences in the mean frequencies of onion foliar disease incidences among the varieties. However, infestations by onion thrips had the potential of increasing incidences of onion foliar diseases. Results indicated that Texas Grano and Red Comet onion varieties significantly produced the highest and the lowest quality onion bulbs respectively. Arising from the above findings, it could be recommended that regular outreach programmes should be conducted in the onion growing area by relevant stakeholders to address the identified production xxii constraints. The present study should closely be followed by another survey to evaluate the impacts of the implementation of intervention strategies. On the other hand, Texas Grano could be recommended as an important variety to be grown in Kenya for markets where pungency was not an important quality factor. BSS 230 Hybrid, Red Creole and Bombay Red could also be recommended to farmers in Kenya. BSS 230 Hybrid and Red Comet required improvements through plant breeding programmes.
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    (Karatina University, 2023-11) JUMA, WABWILE BENSON
    The study is an analysis of visual resources and improvised techniques in the actualization of the Bukusu circumcision songs. The study examines the roles, social cultural values and dynamisms of visual resources and improvised techniques in actualizing Bukusu circumcision songs. Visual resources and improvised techniques in the Bukusu circumcision songs are likely to vanish due to social and cultural chamges. The purpose of this study was to determine the specifics impact of these valuable components in Bukusu circumcision songs. The study's objectives examined the role of improvised techniques and visual resources in actualizing Bukusu circumcision songs, analyze the social-cultural values attached to them and evaluate their dynamic nature. There are scanty and generally analysed literary studies on Bukusu oral literature; this study intends to fill the gap by focusing on visual resources and improvised techniques integral to the Bukusu circumcision songs. The research was conducted among the Bukusu sub-community of Luhya community in Kimilili- Sub County, Bungoma County with a sample size of 220 respondents. The study employed Performance Theory because it was a performance-cantered approach and more adequate for analysing visual resources and improvised techniques employed in Bukusu circumcision songs more effectively. The study relied on mixed methods research designs. The primary and secondary sources were exploited in data collection. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package of Social Sciences then subjected to the rating scale. Regarding study objective number one, the study found that visual resources and improvised techniques played a role actualising Bukusu circumcision songs. The study's second objective found that social-cultural values are attached to visual resources and improvised techniques in Bukusu circumcision songs. In analysing the dynamism of visual resources and improvised techniques in Bukusu circumcision songs, this study found that that education and theme change in BCS impacted visual resources and improvised techniques. The researcher demonstrated that visual resources and improvised techniques components exhibited during the actualization of Bukusu circumcision songs are integral parts of Bukusu circumcision songs, without which the songs are deemed incomplete. This work will be critical to scholars in various institutions where subjects including music, dance, and creative sculptures are fields of interest to societies. Based on the objective of study, the researcher recommends that the roles of visual resources and improvised techniques in Bukusu circumcision songs cannot be ignored; there is a need for the government of Kenya and other cultural stakeholders to appreciate these components and initiate programs that promotes traditional circumcision songs as a source of tourist attraction activities in Kenya.
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    (Karatina University, 2023) KARIITHI, ALICE MURUGI
    The call for moratorium on foreign missionaries and subsequent adoption of ‘Jitegemea’ (self-sustaining) philosophy in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) provoked a strong debate about the future of the church and her ability to develop without external support. However, limited research has examined the effectiveness of the ‘Jitegemea’ philosophy on the development of the church, fifty years later. This study assessed the effectiveness of Jitegemea philosophy on the attainment of the goals of PCEA in Nyeri and Kirinyaga counties which form the Kirimara West Presbytery. The specific objectives were: to explore factors leading to the call for moratorium on foreign missionary activities in the PCEA; analyze the positive outcomes of adopting the ‘Jitegemea’ philosophy on the spiritual, social and economic functions of PCEA; examine the challenges experienced by the PCEA since the moratorium; and assess the extent to which the PCEA in Nyeri and Kirinyaga counties has achieved the goal of self-sustenance. Henry Venn’s theory of a self supporting, self-governing and self-propagating church guided the study. A descriptive survey research design was adopted and targeted 13,180 ordinary members, 418 elders and 13 Parish ministers. A sample size of 100 respondents from ordinary church members who were selected using Yamanne’s formula of 10% participated in the study. In addition, 20% of the 418 church elders were selected to give a sample of 84 elders. One parish minister from each of the 11 parishes was purposively selected for the study, giving a sample of 11 ministers. Data from the ordinary church members and elders was collected using questionnaires. An interview guide was used to collect data from the parish ministers. To test for validity and reliability of the data collection instruments, a pilot study was conducted in two parishes in the neighboring Murang’a County. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to determine the internal consistency of the questionnaires and a coefficient of 0.705 was achieved, indicating that the instruments were reliable. Ethical considerations of anonymity, confidentiality and informed consent were strictly adhered to. After collection, quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using percentages and frequencies. Data presentation was done in form of tables, bar graphs and pie charts. Qualitative data was analyzed using the thematic approach to enrich the quantitative results. The study found out that the call for moratorium on foreign mission activities was a strategy to allow the PCEA churches to be self-reliant and embrace total responsibility for the work of the church and its mission activities. Among the positive outcomes of adopting the ‘Jitegemea’ philosophy were improved financial freedom, increased church membership and gender equality in service. However, inadequate resources slowed the achievement of the PCEA goal of self-reliance, self-governance and self-propagation despite the effort made. Despite the challenges members of the PCEA still believe that it is necessary for the church to be self-reliant in its activities. The study recommends regular training on how to carry out mission work and evangelization, proper planning of church projects to save on funds and formulation of policies to guide decision making in church governance. The study findings are expected to add on to the existing literature on the ‘Jitegemea’ philosophy and may provide valuable lessons to policy makers, church leaders, Christians and other stake holders on church development and project sustainability.
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    (Karatina University, 2023-11) MWANIKI, MILKAH WANJUGU
    Kinaya ni mbinu muhimu ya kimtindo ambayo hutumiwa na waandishi wa riwaya na watunzi wa tamthilia kuwasilisha ujumbe wao katika kazi za fasihi. Madhumuni ya utafiti huu yalikuwa: Kuchunguza matumizi ya kinaya kama mbinu ya kimtindo katika kubainisha maudhui na wahusika katika matini mbili za fasihi ya Kiswahili ambazo ni: riwaya ya Assumpta K. Matei ya Chozi la Heri na tamthilia ya Kigogo ya Pauline Kea. Malengo ya utafiti yalikuwa; moja, kubainisha aina mbalimbali za kinaya katika kazi teule za fasihi; mbili, kueleza jinsi kinaya kimetumika kuendeleza maudhui katika matini mbili teule za fasihi ya Kiswahili; tatu, kueleza jinsi kinaya kinavyotumika katika kujenga sifa za wahusika katika kazi teule. Utafiti uliongozwa na Nadharia ya Kimtindo pamoja na mihimili yake ambayo iliongoza kila sura ya utafiti huu. Nadharia hii inaeleza kwamba ili kuielewa kazi ya fasihi, msomaji anafaa kuelewa kuhusu mbinu za lugha ambazo zimetumika. Utafiti huu unaangazia mbinu ya kinaya vile imetumika katika kubainisha maudhui kama vile uongozi mbaya, ukatili, unafiki na ufisadi. Miongoni mwa waasisi wake ni Coombes (1953). Riwaya ya Chozi la Heri na tamthilia ya Kigogo ziliteuliwa kimakusudi kwa msingi wa utajiri wao wa kinaya. Ili kupata data katika utafiti, mtafiti alisoma vitabu, nadharia, na majarida yanayohusiana na mada ya utafiti. Utafiti ulitumia muundo wa utafiti wa kimaelezo. Mjadala wa vikundi lengwa uliohusisha washiriki wanne pamoja na mtafiti ulitumika kukusanya data kutoka katika matini teule. Data ilichanganuliwa kwa misingi ya malengo ya utafiti. Utafiti unabainisha kuwa kuna aina mbalimbali za kinaya katika kazi za fasihi. Hizi ni: Hali, drama, mazungumzo, kilimwengu, na kinaya cha kisokratiki. Utafiti pia unadhihirisha kuwa vinaya vya hali, mazungumzo na drama ndizo msingi katika ukuzaji wa dhamira na wahusika katika matini mbili teule. Utafiti huu ulihitimisha kuwa kinaya huwa muhimu katika fasihi kwa kuwa hutumika katika kubainisha maudhui hasi katika jamiii kwa kuonyesha matendo maovu ya wahusika wanayotenda kinyume cha matarajio ya wahusika wengine. Kwa mfano viongozi wanaweza kujitokeza wakitenda matendo hasi kama vile mauaji, usaliti uzinzi na ubinafsi kinyume na matarajio ya wananchi waliowateua.Tena kinaya ni muhimu kwa kuwa hutumiwa kueleza sifa za wahusika katika fasihi kwa kuonyesha vile wahusika wanatenda maovu jambo ambalo ni kinyume cha matarajio ya wahusika wengine na pia wasomaji.kuwasilisha maudhui na wahusika katika kazi za fasihi na kinapaswa kufasiriwa kimuktadha ili kuimarisha mawasiliano. Utafiti unapendekeza kuwa watafiti wa lugha watumie kinaya kama nyenzo ya kuwasilisha masuala yanayodhihirika katika jamii. Utafiti huu unanuiwa kuwanufaisha watafiti wa fasihi ya Kiswahili, wanafunzi, waandishi wa riwaya na watunzi wa tamthilia ili kubainisha dhima ya mitindo ya kifasihi kama vile kinaya katika kuwasilisha ujumbe uliokusudiwa na mwandishi.
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    (Karatina university, 2023-10) Njue, Justus Nyaga
    Naturalized rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations form important recreational fishing resource in the world. Globally, rainbow trout is among the most widely introduced fish species and has been translocated outside its native home range, into at least 99 countries including the tropical regions where it has established naturalized populations. Information on the performance of the hatchery and wild populations of O. mykiss following spawning interactions has not been adequately explored especially in the tropical environments. The current study aimed at evaluating the spawning interactions between naturalized and wild O. mykiss from the high altitude second order stream, the Sagana in Kenya. Spawning and incubation were performed under controlled conditions in a hatchery facility to assess their performance. In each spawning process, total length, weight, condition factor and fecundity of the brooders were recorded. Fertilization rate, hatchability and survival of the fry were determined. Egg diameters were modelled as a function of biometric and reproduction parameters, using generalized linear model. Total fecundity of the broodstock differed significantly among the wild strain, hatchery reared and the cross between hatchery and wild stock (F = 8.934, df = 2, P = 0.0045). The fecundity of the broodstock varied with the average weight of the brooders where brooders with high average weight had a high fecundity. Relative fecundity was significantly different among the three groups of fish (F = 6.134, df = 2, P = 0.0217) but the differences between the hatchery and cross strain of wild and hatchery fish were not significant. Fertilization rate showed significant differences among fish in the three experimental groups (F = 10.136, df = 2, P = 0.0057), Eyed egg survival was lowest among the wild fish but showed no significant differences between the hatchery and cross between wild and hatchery strains. The study recommends the use of hatchery and wild crossed fish to support fry production for use in subsequent restocking of all trout streams in the country. Based on this study, management strategies involving restoration of trout population that would benefit anglers without reliance on importation of eyed eggs are recommended.
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