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Item Influence of employer-employee relationships on service quality in the hospitality industry in Nakuru County, Kenya(2020) Mburu, Ben K.; Koome, Peter; Gichuhi, DavidEmployees are the backbone of the hospitality industry, and the people in service are inseparable from the service they provide. This research investigated the influence of employer-employee relationships on service quality in the hospitality industry in Nakuru County, Kenya. Descriptive design was used to gather both quantitative and qualitative data through the use of questionnaires and interview guide as the key informants. The target population was 73 respondents comprising of 55 employees’ operational employees and 18 supervisors at Nuru Palace and the Legacy Hotel in Nakuru County. The findings also reveal that coaching and mentorship as well as mutual trust between employees and their superiors affect service quality positively. The study recommends that hospitality establishments should facilitate more on the job training and provide technical support to their employees. They should also work on establishing trust between the management and the workforce.Item The effect of a company’s innovation orientation culture on employee turnover among selected non-governmental organizations in Samburu(2021) Lentawa, Julius; Gesimba, Paul; Gichuhi, DavidThis paper examines the effect of a company's innovation orientation culture on employee turnover among selected non-governmental organizations in Samburu, Kenya. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 78 NGOs operating in Samburu County for the analysis, the study population comprised 11 senior management teams, 14 technical teams and 78 junior staff in 24 selected and active NGOs in Samburu. The analysis gathered both qualitative and quantitative data. A structured questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data and an interview guide was used to collect qualitative data. Thematic data analysis was used to interpret qualitative data, which included common terms, phrases, themes, and patterns. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics which includes frequencies, means, and standard deviation. Findings Results showed that innovation orientation is positively correlated with employee turnover (r=0.375, P=0.01). This supports Chow et al’s (2001) study which revealed that innovation orientation as part of an organization's culture has a significant effect on employee turnover. This study also discovered that an innovation orientation culture embedded in an NGO's ideology will help to reduce turnover because workers feel valued when their work is recognized for creativity and innovation.Item Effect of team diversity on team cohesion in faith-based organizations: Acase of St. Martin catholic social apostolate in Nyahururu, Kenya(2022) Wanjiku, Daniel Kabiru; Gichuhi, David; Mwaura, Peteream diversity management helps to improve the cohesion of a team and ultimately, organizational development is enhanced. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of team diversity management on team cohesion at St. Martin Catholic Social Apostolate, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population for the study was 115 employees at the St. Martin Catholic Social Apostolate in Kenya. Stratified and simple random sampling procedures were used to sample 92 employees. Data was collected using a questionnaire and the collected data was analyzed through the use of the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 21. Descriptive statistical analysis involved the calculation of percentages and frequencies while inferential statistical analysis involved Pearson correlation in establishing the association of the variables under investigation. and Chi-square tests. Data was presented in the form of tables and charts. Qualitative data were analysed thematically and presented in the form of narratives. The study ensured that ethical considerations were adhered to. The study found a statistically significant relationship between team diversity management and team cohesion (p<0.05). The study concludes that each team member is held accountable for their activities and the decisions they make regarding the team and is included in team activities. The study recommends that the team leaders ensure that all team members are included in all team activities. This can be achieved through creating environments and opportunities that allow the team members to provide their opinions openlyItem Influence of millennials innovativeness on organization change in the hospitality industry in Naivasha sub-county, Kenya(IJRBS, 2021-10-27) Gichuhi, David; Koome, Peter; Njenga, Serah NjokiThe aim of this study was to determine millennial influence on organization change in the hospitality industry Naivasha sub-county, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: determine the influence of millennial innovativeness on organization change. This study used innovation theory. The study will adopt a descriptive survey research design. The current study targets rated hotels in Naivasha. This study targeted 180 respondents the respondents were: 10 Managers, 40 departmental heads from the four departments in the hotels, 10 Millennial and 120 supervisors. Employees of these hotels will be the respondents in the study. Data was collected via a self – administered questionnaires and an interview guide. Validity and reliability were ensured by conducting a pilot test in NarokCounty. Analysis of data comprised descriptive statistics and regression analysis with the help of SPSS. Results indicate that organizational change in the hospitality industry was positively significantly associated with millennial Innovation change in the hospitality industry. From the findings, the researcher concluded that millennials are innovative and easily come up with new ideas further they are proficient in technology and techno-savvy.Item Influence of social protection on access to health care among elderly persons in informal settlements in Nakuru Town, Kenya(IJRBS, 2021-10-22) Gichuhi, David; Mwaura, Peter; Kiptui, JackquelineThe objective of the study is to analyse the influence of social protection on access to health care among elderly persons in informal settlements Nakuru Town, Kenya. The study was based on the Disengagement theory and utilized a descriptive research design to target individuals of 70 years and above, within the informal settlements in Nakuru Town, Kenya. Cluster and simple random sampling techniques were used to select 399 respondents from a target population of 248,785 elderly persons. Data was collected from the sample using a semi-structured questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation with chi-square, and the thematic content analysis method. Quantitative analysis was aided by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27 software. Results showed that the majority of the respondents (70.3%) had low access to health care services. Access to health care services is influenced by social protection programmes specifically cash transfers, government interventions in health care, and retirement benefits. Based on these findings, the study recommends that policy makers should create awareness regarding the existence of government interventions such as health insurance subsidy programme (HISP) and the importance of enrolling to retirement benefit schemes and saving for old age.Item Influence of post-merger restructuring on organizational development: A case of Stanbic Bank Kenya Limited(IJRBS, 2021-10-27) Gichuhi, David; Mwaura, Peter; Madara, Joseph AkakaCorporate mergers are important for organizations to position themselves for growth and development. Stanbic Bank was formed as a result of a merger between CFC Bank and Stanbic Bank. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the merger has led to positive outcomes, but specific aspects of the merger that have contributed towards the organizational development of Stanbic Bank remain unclear. The study investigated the influence of Post-Merger Restructuring on the organizational development of Stanbic Bank Kenya. It was guided by efficiency theory and collected data from 27 branch managers and 9 senior sectional heads using a semi-structured questionnaire where a 75% response rate was achieved. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that post-merger restructuring has a positive and statistically significant influence on organizational development at Stanbic Bank. The researcher concluded that post-merger restructuring had a positive influence on the organizational development of banks. The study recommends that banks should retrain their workforce, inculcate new culture, and redesign their operations in the post-merger period so as to realize the intended benefits.Item Influence of work specialization on employee development: A case of Telkom Kenya Nakuru branch in Nakuru County(International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science, 2020) Gichuhi, David; Gesimba, Paul; Kimani, Tabitha KabuiThere are visible challenges with employee development at Telkom Kenya where employees remain in one position for many years with some remaining in the same position until their retirement. Anecdotal evidence suggests that this problem could be linked to the design of the organization, but no systematic study has been conducted to ascertain this claim. This study, therefore, sought to determine the influence of work specialization on employee development at Telkom Kenya Nakuru Branch. The study was guided by the Axiomatic Theory of Organizations. It made use of the correlational research design where all the 51 employees of the Telkom Kenya Nakuru Branch were involved in the census study. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data from operational staffs while interview guides were used to gather qualitative data from heads of departments. Quantitative data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means, and the multiple regression techniques while qualitative data were analyzed using the thematic content analysis technique. Results showed that work specialization (β= 0.491, p=.000) had a statistically significant and positive influence on the development of employees at TKNB. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the management at TKNB should enhance work specialization by implementing job rotation programs and promoting a match between employees’ skills and their job.Item Relationship between leadership practices and labour turnover among private schools in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru-Kenya(International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science, 2020) Gichuhi, David; Gesimba, Paul; Omindo, Beatrice AchiengThe study sought to determine the relationship between leadership practices and labor turnover in private primary schools in Kenya with a specific focus on Rongai Sub-County in Nakuru County, Kenya. The theoretical framework of this study was derived from the Two-Factor Theory and Organization Support Theory. The study used a descriptive survey design and targeted a population of 680 employees of 34 private primary schools in the study area. A sample of 204 employees was picked using the simple random sampling method. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data from teachers while interview guides were used to collect qualitative data from headteachers and their deputies. Descriptive statistics were computed for each study variable while the Pearson correlation method was used to test the effect of the leadership practices on labor turnover. Qualitative data collected through the interviews were analyzed using the thematic content analysis technique. Results revealed that there is a high labor turnover in the private primary schools in Rongai with a rating of 71.2%. Results also showed that there were less than optimal leadership practices in schools with a rating of 50.8%. Labor turnover in the schools was negatively and significantly associated with leadership practices (r=-.523, p=.000). The study recommends that private primary schools ensure that teachers are actively involved in making key decisions and management of school activities in order to reduce labor turnover.Item The effect of environmental change on sustainable energy in Olkaria geothermal and Kenya power station, Nakuru County, Kenya(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE, 2020) Gichuhi, David; Gesimba, Paul; Kipsiele, GideonEnergy is one of the most important resources in the growth of an economy. The generation of power is key to the effectiveness of sustainable energy management. Energy production warrants production hence connected to economic development. Environmental change has an impact on the sustainability of renewable energy. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of environmental change on sustainable energy in Olkaria Geothermal and Kenya Power Station, Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was informed by two theories namely; Socio-technical Transitions Approach Theory and Coevolutionary Approach to Transitions. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population was 359 employees with a stratified sample design. The sample frame was 108 employees being 30% of the total population. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The preliminary data was analysed using descriptive statistics and presented in the form of tables. Inferential statistics were employed through Pearson’s Correlation analysis and regression analysis was used to test the study hypothesis at a 5% significance level. The findings indicated that was a statistically significant relationship between environmental change and sustainable energy (r=0.286; p=0.005). Further, the study revealed that environmental change has a statistically significant effect on sustainable energy in Olkaria Geothermal and Kenya Power Station, Nakuru County, Kenya (p<0.05). The study recommends that institutional environmental changes should be examined and their influence on sustainable energy management.Item Effect of Stakeholder Involvement on Change Management in the National Police Service in Nakuru County, Kenya(International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2019-10) Terer, Linda Chepkoech; Mwangi, James; Gichuhi, DavidThis study intendedto determine effect of stakeholder involvement on change management in National Police Service in Nakuru County. The study was guided by stakeholder’s theory. The study employed descriptive survey design and correlational research design. The target population was 65 respondents comprising of 1 County commander and 9 Divisional commanders under The Kenya Police category, 1 County commander, 11 District commanders, 33 Divisional commanders under The administration police category, 1 county criminal investigation officer and 9 DCIO under Criminal Investigation Department/Directorate of Criminal Investigation Category. Census survey was adopted where primary data was collected using questionnaires. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferentialstatistics with the aid of SPSS while research hypothesis was tested at 0.05 significant levels with data presented using tables and discussions thereof. The research findings indicate that there exists a statistically significant positive relationship between stakeholder involvement change management in the National Police Service in Nakuru County. It can be concluded that there is no very clear stakeholder identification criterion, open and clear stakeholder communication channels.