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Item Fine-scale habitat heterogeneity influences browsing damage by elephant and giraffe(Wiley Publishers, 2020-06) Kimuyu, Duncan M; Kenfack, David; Musili, Paul M.; Ang’ila, Robert O.Effects of large mammalian herbivores on woody vegetation tend to be heterogeneous in space and time, but the factors that drive such heterogeneity are poorly understood. We examined the influence of fine-scale habitat heterogeneity on the distribution and browsing effects of two of the largest African terrestrial mammals, the elephant and giraffe. We conducted this study within a 120-ha (500 x 2,400 m) ForestGEO long-term vegetation monitoring plot located at Mpala Research Center, Kenya. The plot traverses three distinct topographic habitats (“plateau,” “steep slopes,” and “valley”) with contrasting elevation, slope, soil properties, and vegetation composition. To quantify browsing damage, we focused on Acacia mellifera, a palatable tree species that occurs across the three habitat categories. Overall tree density, species richness, and diversity were highest on the steep slopes and lowest on the plateau. Acacia mellifera trees were tallest and had the lowest number of stems per tree on the steep slopes. Both elephant and giraffe avoided the steep slopes, and their activity was higher during the wet season than during the dry season. Browsing damage on Acacia mellifera was lowest on the steep slopes. Elephant browsing damage was highest in the valley, whereas giraffe browsing damage was highest on the plateau. Our findings suggest that fine-scale habitat heterogeneity is an important factor in predicting the distribution of large herbivores and their effects on vegetation and may interact with other drivers such as edaphic variations to influence local variation in vegetation structure and composition.Item Influence of cattle on browsing and grazing wildlife varies with rainfall and presence of megaherbivores(The Ecological Society of America, 2017) Kimuyu, Duncan M.; Kari, E. Vebien; Corinna, Riginos; Chira, Robert M.; Githaiga, John M.; Young, Truman P.In many savanna ecosystems worldwide, livestock share the landscape and its resources with wildlife. The nature of interactions between livestock and wildlife is a subject of considerable interest and speculation, yet little controlled experimental research has been carried out. Since 1995, we have been manipulating the presence and absence of cattle and large mammalian herbivore wildlife in a Kenyan savanna in order to better understand how different herbivore guilds influence habitat use by specific wildlife species. Using dung counts as a relative assay of herbivore use of the different experimental plots, we found that cattle had a range of effects, mostly negative, on common mesoherbivore species, including both grazers and mixed feeders, but did not have significant effects on megaherbivores. The effect of cattle on most of the mesoherbivore species was contingent on both the presence of megaherbivores and rainfall. In the absence of megaherbivores, wild mesoherbivore dung density was 36% lower in plots that they shared with cattle than in plots they used exclusively, whereas in the presence of megaherbivores, wild mesoherbivore dung density was only 9% lower in plots shared with cattle than plots used exclusively. Cattle appeared to have a positive effect on habitat use by zebra (a grazer) and steinbuck (a browser) during wetter periods of the year but a negative effect during drier periods. Plots to which cattle had access had lower grass and forb cover than plots from which they were excluded, while plots to which megaherbivores had access had more grass cover but less forb cover. Grass cover was positively correlated with zebra and oryx dung density while forb cover was positively correlated with eland dung density. Overall these results suggest that interactions between livestock and wildlife are contingent on rainfall and herbivore assemblage and represent a more richly nuanced set of interactions than the longstanding assertion that cattle simply compete with (grazing) wildlife. Specifically, rainfall and megaherbivores seemed to moderate the negative effects of cattle on some mesoherbivore species. Even if cattle tend to reduce wildlife use of the landscape, managing simultaneously for livestock production (at moderate levels) and biodiversity conservation is possibleItem Relationships Between Cattle and Biodiversity in Multiuse Landscape Revealed by Kenya Long-Term Exclosure Experiment(Elsevier, 2018-05) Kimuyu, Duncan M.; Young, Truman P.; Porensky, Lauren M.; Riginos, Corinna; Veblen, Kari E.; Odadi, Wilfred O.; Charles, Grace K.; Young, Hillary S.On rangelands worldwide, cattle interact with many forms of biodiversity, most obviously with vegetation and other large herbivores. Since 1995, we have been manipulating the presence of cattle, mesoherbivores, and megaherbivores (elephants and giraffes) in a series of eighteen 4-ha (10-acre) plots at the Kenya Long-term Exclosure Experiment. We recently (2013) crossed these treatments with small-scale controlled burns. These replicated experimental treatments simulate different land management practices. We seek to disentangle the complex relationships between livestock and biodiversity in a biome where worldwide, uneasy coexistence is the norm. Here, we synthesize more than 20 yr of data to address three central questions about the potentially unique role of cattle in savanna ecology: 1) To what extent do cattle and wild herbivores compete with or facilitate each other? 2) Are the effects of cattle on vegetation similar to those of wildlife, or do cattle have unique effects? 3) What effects do cattle and commercial cattle management have on other savanna organisms? We found that 1) Cattle compete at least as strongly with browsers as grazers, and wildlife compete with cattle, although these negative effects are mitigated by cryptic herbivores (rodents), rainfall, fire, and elephants. 2) Cattle effects on herbaceous vegetation (composition, productivity) are similar to those of the rich mixture of ungulates they replace, differing mainly due to the greater densities of cattle. In contrast, cattle, wild mesoherbivores, and megaherbivores have strongly guild-specific effects on woody vegetation. 3) Both cattle and wild ungulates regulate cascades to other consumers, notably termites, rodents, and disease vectors (ticks and fleas) and pathogens. Overall, cattle management, at moderate stocking densities, can be compatible with the maintenance of considerable native biodiversity, although reducing livestock to these densities in African rangelands is a major challenge.Item Fire disturbance disrupts an acacia ant–plant mutualism in favor of a subordinate ant species(Wiley and sons, 2017-03) Kimuyu, Duncan K.; Sensenig, Ryan L.; Guajardo, Juan C. Ruiz; Veblen, Kari E.; Riginos, Corinna; Young, Truman P.Although disturbance theory has been recognized as a useful framework in examining the stability of ant–plant mutualisms, very few studies have examined the effects of fire disturbance on these mutualisms. In myrmecophyte-dominated savannas, fire and herbivory are key drivers that could influence ant–plant mutualisms by causing complete colony mortality and/or decreasing colony size, which potentially could alter dominance hierarchies if subordinate species are more fire resilient. We used a large-scale, replicated fire experiment to examine long-term effects of fire on acacia–ant community composition. To determine if fire shifted ant occupancy from a competitive dominant to a subordinate ant species, we surveyed the acacia–ant community in 6–7 yr old burn sites and examined how the spatial scale of these burns influenced ant community responses. We then used two short-term fire experiments to explore possible mechanisms for the shifts in community patterns observed. Because survival of ant colonies is largelydependent on their ability to detect and escape an approaching fire, we first tested the evacuation response of all four ant species when exposed to smoke (fire signal). Then to better understand how fire and its interaction with large mammal herbivory affect the density of ants per tree, we quantified ant worker density in small prescribed burns within herbivore exclusion plots. We found clear evidence suggesting that fire disturbance favored the subordinate ant Crematogaster nigriceps more than the dominant and strong mutualist ant C. mimosae, whereby C. nigriceps (1) was the only species to occupy a greater proportion of trees in 6–7 yr old burn sites compared to unburned sites, (2) had higher burn/unburn tree ratios with increasing burn size, and (3) evacuated significantly faster than C. mimosae in the presence of smoke. Fire and herbivory had opposite effects on ant density per meter of branch for both C. nigriceps and C. mimosae, with fire decreasing ant densities per meter of branch and the presence of large herbivores increasing ant density. Taken together, these experiments suggest that major ecosystem disturbances like fire can disrupt mutualistic associations and maintain diversity in partner qualityand identitydespite a clear dominance hierarchy.Item Spatial scales influence long-term response of herbivores to prescribed burning in a savanna ecosystem(CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2017-01) Kimuyu, Duncan M.; Sensenig, Ryan L.; Chira, Robert M.; Githaiga, John M.; Young, Truman P.Both wild and prescribed fire in savanna ecosystems influence habitat use by herbivores by creating or maintaining spatial and temporal heterogeneity in forage quality and vegetation cover. Yet little is known about how spatial scales influence long-term persistence of fire effects. We examined changes over a 6-year period in herbivore preference for experimentally burned patches that varied in spatial extent and grain. Avoidance for the burns by elephants andpreferencefortheburnsbyimpalaandGrant’sgazelledecreasedsignificantly.Fortherestofthespecies(zebra,eland, oryx, hartebeest, warthog and hare), there were no significant changes in preference for the burns. Changes in preference for the burned areas depended on the spatial extent and grain of the burn, with intermediate-size (9-ha) burns and large (8-ha) patchy burns being more preferred 6–7 years after fire. Grain, but not the spatial extent of the burned area, influenced changes in grass height. Fire resulted in a delayed reduced tree density irrespective of the spatial scale of the burn. Results of this study indicate that, depending on the scale of fire prescription, the impacts of fire on herbivores may last longer than previous studies suggestItem Fire disturbance disrupts an acacia ant–plant mutualism in favor of a subordinate ant species(EcologicalSocietyof America, 2017) Kimuyu, Duncan K.; Sensenig, Ryan L.; Guajardo, Juan C. Ruiz; Veblen, Kari E.; Riginos, Corinna; YOUNG, Truman P.Although disturbance theory has been recognized as a useful framework in examining the stability of ant–plant mutualisms, very few studies have examined the effects of fire disturbance on these mutualisms. In myrmecophyte-dominated savannas, fire and herbivory are key drivers that could influence ant–plant mutualisms by causing complete colony mortality and/or decreasing colony size, which potentially could alter dominance hierarchies if subordinate species are more fire resilient. We used a large-scale, replicated fire experiment to examine long-term effects of fire on acacia–ant community composition. To determine if fire shifted ant occupancy from a competitive dominant to a subordinate ant species, we surveyed the acacia–ant community in 6–7 yr old burn sites and examined how the spatial scale of these burns influenced ant community responses. We then used two short-term fire experiments to explore possible mechanisms for the shifts in community patterns observed. Because survival of ant colonies is largelydependent on their ability to detect and escape an approaching fire, we first tested the evacuation response of all four ant species when exposed to smoke (fire signal). Then to better understand how fire and its interaction with large mammal herbivory affect the density of ants per tree, we quantified ant worker density in small prescribed burns within herbivore exclusion plots. We found clear evidence suggesting that fire disturbance favored the subordinate ant Crematogaster nigriceps more than the dominant and strong mutualist ant C. mimosae, whereby C. nigriceps (1) was the only species to occupy a greater proportion of trees in 6–7 yr old burn sites compared to unburned sites, (2) had higher burn/unburn tree ratios with increasing burn size, and (3) evacuated significantly faster than C. mimosae in the presence of smoke. Fire and herbivory had opposite effects on ant density per meter of branch for both C. nigriceps and C. mimosae, with fire decreasing ant densities per meter of branch and the presence of large herbivores increasing ant density. Taken together, these experiments suggest that major ecosystem disturbances like fire can disrupt mutualistic associations and maintain diversity in partner qualityand identitydespite a clear dominance hierarchyItem Spatial scales influence long-term response of herbivores to prescribed burning in a savanna ecosystem(CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2017-04) Kimuyu, Duncan M.; Sensenig, Ryan L.; Chira, Robert M.; Githaiga, John M.; Young, Truman P.Both wild and prescribed fire in savanna ecosystems influence habitat use by herbivores by creating or maintaining spatial and temporal heterogeneity in forage quality and vegetation cover. Yet little is known about how spatial scales influence long-term persistence of fire effects. We examined changes over a 6-year period in herbivore preference for experimentally burned patches that varied in spatial extent and grain. Avoidance for the burns by elephants andpreferencefortheburnsbyimpalaandGrant’sgazelledecreasedsignificantly.Fortherestofthespecies(zebra,eland, oryx, hartebeest, warthog and hare), there were no significant changes in preference for the burns. Changes in preference for the burned areas depended on the spatial extent and grain of the burn, with intermediate-size (9-ha) burns and large (8-ha) patchy burns being more preferred 6–7 years after fire. Grain, but not the spatial extent of the burned area, influenced changes in grass height. Fire resulted in a delayed reduced tree density irrespective of the spatial scale of the burn. Results of this study indicate that, depending on the scale of fire prescription, the impacts of fire on herbivores may last longer than previous studies suggest.