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Item Assessing the contribution of dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L. (sweet)) to food security in a changing climate in Kenya(2022) Kamotho, Grace N.; Kinyua, Miriam G.; Muasya, Reuben M.Lablab pupureus (L.), is a multipurpose drought tolerant legume which is considered as a minor crop in Kenya, hence, it is underutilized. In Kenya there are few known Lablab genotypes for specific environments. Choice of genotypes to grow is based on colour preference and seed availability, thus low yields are obtained. To assess the status of Lablab production in Kenya, a baseline survey was conducted in Lablab growing localities. A disproportionate stratified sampling was used and a questionnaire was administered to 108 respondents from diverse Lablab growing regions of Kenya. Performance of Lablab genotypes under different environmental conditions was also evaluated. Field trials of forty five (45) accessions of Lablab collected from Rift Valley, Eastern, Coast and Central regions of Kenya were established in three locations with different agro-ecological environments; (Nakuru, Uasin Gishu and Bungoma). The 45 accessions and three environments were factorially combined and replicated three times in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Results from the survey indicate that most farmers (84.3%) grew Lablab in small acreage of less than 1.0 acre, and only 44.4% of the respondents used the improved Lablab cultivars which were obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture or research stations. Majority (88%) preferred Lablab to common beans and all respondents noted that Lablab fetched more income per unit quantity than common bean. All respondents utilized Lablab dry beans as food. The crop was also utilized as a livestock feed especially during the dry season when no other crops are in the farms by 51.9% of the respondents while 25% used it in conservation agriculture and for soil erosion control. About 20.4% of farmers used the leaves and green pods as vegetables. The study identified accessions that are suitable for different agro ecological zones. In conclusion, Lablab is a crop that is climate resilient and contributes to food security in communities that grow it. It is recommended that dolichos should be promoted in Kenya as a climate change adaptation measure and for enhancing food security.Item GENDER, LAND OWNERSHIP AND FOOD PRODUCTION NEXUS IN MBEERE DRYLANDS, KENYA: IMPLICATIONS ON HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY(2018) Mwenzwa, Ezekiel; Cheserek, Grace; Kiptui, MarkLand ownership gives an individual the confidence and dignity required to be active in society. Indeed, land ownership and rights are important for effective utilization of farmland for food production to alleviate food insecurity and revitalize household welfare and national development. While the foregoing is the ideal situation, the reality is that culture and gender dictates who owns land especially when customary laws seem to override any legal and policy provisions regarding land ownership, access and control. In particular, women are largely land caretakers, with men owning most of the land, titled or otherwise. Based on the foregoing, this paper sought to identify gender and land ownership structures in the context of dryland farming and their implications on household food security in the Mbeere drylands of Embu County. It utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods of social investigation and concluded that while many factors combine to determine food production and food security, inadequate access to and control of land and related resources by women in the Mbeere drylands is significant. Consequently and given the environmental and cultural milieu on which land is utilized, measures have been proposed to augment dryland farming and alleviate food insecurity in the Mbeere drylands.Item Gender, Land Ownership and Food Production Nexus in Mbeere Drylands, Kenya: Implications on Household Food Security(European Journal Of Social Sciences Studies, 2018) Mwenzwa, Ezekiel; Cheserek, Grace; Kiptui, MarkLand ownership gives an individual the confidence and dignity required to be active in society. Indeed, land ownership and rights are important for effective utilization of farmland for food production to alleviate food insecurity and revitalize household welfare and national development. While the foregoing is the ideal situation, the reality is that culture and gender dictates who owns land especially when customary laws seem to override any legal and policy provisions regarding land ownership, access and control. In particular, women are largely land caretakers, with men owning most of the land, titled or otherwise. Based on the foregoing, this paper sought to identify gender and land ownership structures in the context of dryland farming and their implications on household food security in the Mbeere drylands of Embu County. It utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods of social investigation and concluded that while many factors combine to determine food production and food security, inadequate access to and control of land and related resources by women in the Mbeere drylands is significant. Consequently, and given the environmental and cultural milieu on which land is utilized, measures have been proposed to augment dryland farming and alleviate food insecurity in the Mbeere drylands.Item Enhancing food security through home gardening in urbanizing environment in Machakos County, Kenya(International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science, 2021-04) Muriuki, Margaret; Huho, Julius M.Kenya is rapidly urbanizing at an annual rate of about 4.3%. One of the consequences of urbanization has been the problem of food insecurity in peri-urban areas. Increased migration to urban from rural areas has enhanced food insecurity in these areas. The peri-urban area of Kangundo-Tala in Machakos County is one of the fastest-growing peri-urban areas due to its proximity to the capital city of Nairobi. This study investigated the impact of home gardening in enhancing food security in the rapidly urbanizing middle-income Kangundo–Tala peri-urban areas of Machakos County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: to identify the causes of households’ food insecurity in the study area; to examine the factors influencing the adoption of home gardening and; to establish the role of home gardening as a measure of households’ food security. To measure food security, three consumption behaviors were analyzed: consumption changes, food expenditure reduction and income expansion. A qualitative approach was adopted where a total of 120 newly settled households were interviewed. The three main causes of food insecurity were identified (i) small land sizes, (ii) low and erratic rainfall and, (iii) the socialization of peri-urban dwellers. About 68% of the households were practicing at least one form of home gardening. The need for safe and nutritious food, seasonal unavailability, and inaccessibility of food encouraged the establishment of home gardens. From the gardens, households were able to diversify their diets, access safe food and have food readily available. With enhanced stability in food availability, accessibility, and utilization, the study concluded that home gardens played a major role in enhancing food. However, the production was at a very small scale. Up-scaling of home gardening by the Ministry of Agriculture through training was recommended.Item Role of Knowledge Management in Achieving Food Security and Nutrition in Garissa County, Kenya(European Journal of Education Studies, 2020) Chepkoskei, Elaine; Nganga, Irura; Abdirahman, FathaFood is a primary need that is basic to all human needs and a fundamental human right (Maxwell, 2001; Ingram, 2011). Improved food security is vital in the alleviation of poverty, promotion of people’s health and labor productivity, contributes to the political stability of a country and ensures sustainable development of citizens (FAO, 2011). Food and nutrition security are achieved when adequate food is available, accessed and satisfactorily utilized by all individuals at all times to live a healthy and happy life. Nutrition security goes beyond food security by considering adequate access to essential nutrients, not just calories. Nutritional security means guaranteed constant adequate dietary intake that helps the body to resist and recover from disease. Food insecurity leads to severe health problems for individuals and to the society including malnutrition, obesity, disease and poverty (Hammond & Dube, 2011). Indigenous knowledge refers to the knowledge and know-how unique to a given society or culture which encompasses “the cultural traditions, values, beliefs and worldviews of local people” (UNESCO, 2016). The fundamental differences between indigenous and scientific knowledge paradigms are characterized by an old African proverb which states "when a knowledgeable old person dies, a whole library disappears" (Naanyu, 2013). The study explored the role of indigenous knowledge in achieving food security and nutrition in Garissa county whose major economic is livestock keeping. The study found out that in the dry season when resources are rare; the pastoralist manage their herd composition in regard to age and sex to preserve herd viability; and splitting up herds during wet and dry season, milk preservation is through gourds cleaning, drying and disinfecting for long-term, milk preservation is via spontaneous fermentation or back slopping and drying remain to be the most use approach for raw cereal grains, supported by the addition of ash, minerals or activated charcoal to absorb moisture and oxygen. The study concludes that despite the rich practices, indigenous knowledge is marginalized in favor of high-tech modern knowledge. The agro-pastoralist have no clearly defined channels through which they can share their lived indigenous knowledge, experiences and practice and it is rational and easy for pastoralist to practice indigenous methods of control of pests and diseases learnt over generations. The study recommends that documentation of indigenous knowledge from aging experts for future references, repackage indigenous knowledge towards food security and sustainable pastoral production in communal ranches.Item GIS Analysis of Physical Accessibility to Food Markets in Tharaka Region of Kenya(Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2020) KIBETU, Dickson Kinoti; HUHO, Julius Mburu; OUNA, Tom OdhiamboIn semi-arid rural Kenya, most households travel long distances to access food markets. This has negative effects on food consumption and the use of market facilities. Over70 % of farmers in Tharaka Constituency lack access to formal markets often relying on contracted middlemen who buy at farm gate for traders in major urban centres. Studies on intravariation in accessibility to market services remains scanty, yet market purchases account for most food consumed across urban and rural areas. Distance defines accessibility and performance of market facilities in most areas where food insecurity and malnutrition are common. This study used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to measure physical accessibility to open air markets within semi-arid Tharaka, a constituency where vulnerability to acute food shortage is comparatively high. Normative, administrative and geospatial datasets were used in the analysis. Results showed that geographic accessibility to local market centres vary spatially across the villages. In terms of market accessibility, 40.4% of the total population live in areas with high inaccessibility risks while 36.1% are found in places with low inaccessibility risks and only 23.5% of the population exists in areas with moderate inaccessibility risks. This means a large proportion of deprived population live in villages within high to very high inaccessibility risk areas. This spatial inequity has implications on household food security and explains the chronic problems of hunger and malnutrition experienced in the area. Therefore, markets within high inaccessibility risk areas should be upgraded and infrastructure thereof improved to enable food mobility across these areas.Item The Media of Washatiyah Dakwah in Quranic Exegesis Study(Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal, 2020-03) Huho, Julius M.; Kosonei, Rose C.; Musyimi, Peter, K.Food waste occurs when food is ready for consumption but not consumed. Food waste has considerable social, economic and environmental impacts. Even though it has become a global concern, no comprehensive studies on food waste in Kenya is available. This study sought to establish the sociodemographic determinants of households’ food waste in Garissa sub-county, in Garissa County, Kenya. A total of 165 consumers were involved in the study. Bakery products were the most wasted. The per capita food wasted was 6.1 kg/person/year or approximately 5.1 tonnes (equivalent to 39,352,110 Kcal) for Garissa County. At a per capita consumption of 2360 Kcal/ person/day, the food wasted was enough to feed 16,674 people for one day. Males were more wasteful than females. Food waste was higher in households: headed by people aged 25 – 34 years; with higher income; with urban residency and with large sizes. Annually, Kshs 9600 (US$96) per household was lost from the wasted food translating to a loss of Kshs 1.4 billion (US$ 13.6 million) from the 141,353 households in Garissa County. With guidance and good policies, food waste can be managed since the majority of the consumers were concerned about food waste and had intentions to reduce it.