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Influence of employer-employee relationships on service quality in the hospitality industry in Nakuru County, Kenya
(2020) Mburu, Ben K.; Koome, Peter; Gichuhi, David
Employees are the backbone of the hospitality industry, and the people in service are inseparable from
the service they provide. This research investigated the influence of employer-employee relationships
on service quality in the hospitality industry in Nakuru County, Kenya. Descriptive design was used to
gather both quantitative and qualitative data through the use of questionnaires and interview guide as
the key informants. The target population was 73 respondents comprising of 55 employees’ operational
employees and 18 supervisors at Nuru Palace and the Legacy Hotel in Nakuru County. The findings
also reveal that coaching and mentorship as well as mutual trust between employees and their
superiors affect service quality positively. The study recommends that hospitality establishments
should facilitate more on the job training and provide technical support to their employees. They should
also work on establishing trust between the management and the workforce.
The effect of a company’s innovation orientation culture on employee turnover among selected non-governmental organizations in Samburu
(2021) Lentawa, Julius; Gesimba, Paul; Gichuhi, David
This paper examines the effect of a company's innovation orientation culture on employee turnover
among selected non-governmental organizations in Samburu, Kenya. A stratified random sampling
technique was used to select 78 NGOs operating in Samburu County for the analysis, the study
population comprised 11 senior management teams, 14 technical teams and 78 junior staff in 24
selected and active NGOs in Samburu. The analysis gathered both qualitative and quantitative data. A
structured questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data and an interview guide was used to
collect qualitative data. Thematic data analysis was used to interpret qualitative data, which included
common terms, phrases, themes, and patterns. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive
statistics which includes frequencies, means, and standard deviation. Findings Results showed that
innovation orientation is positively correlated with employee turnover (r=0.375, P=0.01). This
supports Chow et al’s (2001) study which revealed that innovation orientation as part of an
organization's culture has a significant effect on employee turnover. This study also discovered that an
innovation orientation culture embedded in an NGO's ideology will help to reduce turnover because
workers feel valued when their work is recognized for creativity and innovation.
Effect of team diversity on team cohesion in faith-based organizations: Acase of St. Martin catholic social apostolate in Nyahururu, Kenya
(2022) Wanjiku, Daniel Kabiru; Gichuhi, David; Mwaura, Peter
eam diversity management helps to improve the cohesion of a team and ultimately, organizational development is enhanced. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of team diversity management on team cohesion at St. Martin Catholic Social Apostolate, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population for the study was 115 employees at the St. Martin Catholic Social Apostolate in Kenya. Stratified and simple random sampling procedures were used to sample 92 employees. Data was collected using a questionnaire and the collected data was analyzed through the use of the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 21. Descriptive statistical analysis involved the calculation of percentages and frequencies while inferential statistical analysis involved Pearson correlation in establishing the association of the variables under investigation. and Chi-square tests. Data was presented in the form of tables and charts. Qualitative data were analysed thematically and presented in the form of narratives. The study ensured that ethical considerations were adhered to. The study found a statistically significant relationship between team diversity management and team cohesion (p<0.05). The study concludes that each team member is held accountable for their activities and the decisions they make regarding the team and is included in team activities. The study recommends that the team leaders ensure that all team members are included in all team activities. This can be achieved through creating environments and opportunities that allow the team members to provide their opinions openly
The Traditional Cook Stoves and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Kenya.
(2021) Biwott, caroline
The achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is hampered by slow adoptions of new technologies. The Improved cook-stove has been designed to offer many benefits that lead to the achievement of food security, and the green, renewable and affordable fuel dimensions of the SDGs. However, there is low adoption of improved cook-stoves among the rural populations in Kenya. The rural population still rely on traditional cook-stoves. This study therefore sought to analyse how the traditional cook stove is not fully contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals as it should. The Research Questions of the study were: What are the socio - economic realities of the communities in the use of cook stoves? What are the aspects in the traditional cook-stoves that do not allow it to fully contribute towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Uasin Gishu County? The study utilised Qualitative research approach and it is a case study of U asin Gishu County in Kenya. There were 20 respondents for the study who were selected using purposive sampling technique. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. Primary data was collected using interviews and observation data generation tools. The data was then analysed qualitatively using the thematic data analysis. The study reviewed the theoretical and empirical literature on the traditional cook-stoves. The secondary data was then analysed to determine how the traditional cook-stove is a barrier to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). From the study findings, the study concludes that to a large extent the traditional cook-stove is a barrier to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) especially in issues related to poverty, health, energy, climate change and sustainable forest management. It is anticipated that the study will be significant in emphasising the adoption of improved cook-stoves and the use of Biogas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or other alternative cooking energy. The study will also have policy implications for energy and environment conservation in Kenya as well as promote the achievement of Sustainable Developments Goals.
Communication Lapses in the Adoption of Improved Cook stoves in Kenya.
(2023) Biwott, caroline
The effective improved cook stoves have been designed to offer environmental, socio-economic and health benefits that facilitates the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. However, there is low adoption of effective improved cook stoves among the rural populations in Kenya. This study therefore sought to analyse communication lapses in the adoption of improved cook stoves in Kenya. The Research Questions of the study is: What are the communication lapses in the adoption of the improved cook-stoves in Uasin Gishu County? The study was anchored on Constructivist Paradigm and Qualitative research approach was adopted for the study. The study is a case study of Uasin Gishu County in Kenya. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 20 respondents for the study and the Qualitative data was collected using interviews research instruments. Thematic data analysis was used to analyse data qualitatively. The collected data was presented in the form of narratives. From the study findings, the study concludes that communication lapses have led to the low adoption of improved cook-stoves. There is limited use of Participatory communication strategies and media channels have not been utilised adequately to sensitise the rural populations on the health, environmental and socio-economic benefits of improved cook-stoves. It is anticipated that the study will be significant in emphasising the importance of using effective communication strategies to educate, create awareness and campaign for the adoption of improved cook-stoves and thus lead to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.