Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminar proceedings and presentations

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    Teachers' viewpoints on the use of ICT in the teaching of languages in Kenya
    (2015-09-30) Waweru, Edward Kinyua; Gathigia, Moses Gatambuki
    Introduction Some few decades ago chalk, blackboard, textbooks and teachers were the prominent components of teaching and learning in schools but recent development of ICT means that this landscape is rapidly changing not only in the education sector but in all sectors of the economy.  Information Communication Technology (ICT) is increasingly becoming important in our daily lives and in our educational system.  ICT tools are being integrated in the teaching and learning process in many learning institution of the world.  The pedagogical benefits and contributions to learning and teaching associated with ICT are numerous and will continue to be as new software are developed to aid in teaching and learning.  Teachers’ viewpoints are critical influence on students’ confidence and attitude towards ICT as teachers provide important role model to their students.  There is lack of study on teachers ICT perception, teachers’ ICT competencies and their views on ICT infrastructure as a tool in delivering teaching and learning of languages in secondary schools.
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