The Impact Of Policy Changes In The Education Sector On The Development Of The Book Publishing Industry In Kenya
This article explores the impact of policy changes in the education sector on the de-velopment of the book publishing sector in Kenya. The article begins by detailing the current status of the book publishing sector in Kenya. Then the interdependence between the education and book publishing sectors is highlighted. The government policies that have shaped the education system in Kenya are analysed with a view to establishing how they have affected the book publishing sector. An overview of the new school textbook policy that was introduced in 1998 is presented in order to show how it has
influenced the textbook production and procurement. Then the introduction of the Free-Primary Education (FPE) is discussed because it is the most recent development in the
education sector that has provided tremendous impetus to the development of the book publishing industry in the country. The challenges encountered by the Government of
Kenya in implementing the FPE and those faced by the book publishers in producing books for the school market are analysed. Finally, a way forward is proposed in the
form of recommendations that can contribute to positive growth and mainstreaming of the school textbook publishing sub-sector in Kenya. A literature review approach isused in which sources that include newspapers, government and institutional websites, journals, books and dissertations have been consulted.