The adoption of green supply chain management system is becoming more acceptable in most of the organizations. Despite the large number of businesses that understand the importance of Green Supply Chain Management in the wake of increasing environmental pollution, the number of firms that actually engage in such practices is significantly lower than expected and its sustainability is low. Many organizations have realized the benefit of sustainability in the management practices. This has led to the endeavors in innovative strategies such as the procurement procedures. Previous interventions have not helped organizations to reap the benefits of sustainability in their supply chain practices. The study target population was tea factories in Nyeri county. To achieve sustainability, green supply chain practices have been introduced as key activities targeting an enhancement to the procurement of their tea factories. This study’s main objective was to establish the relationship between green supply chain practices and sustainability of tea factories in Nyeri County, Kenya. The study specifically aimed to: determine the influence of reverse logistics on sustainability, establish the influence of green procurement on sustainability, to examine the influence of green packaging on sustainability and to establish the influence of waste management system on sustainability in tea factories in Kenya. This study was based on two theories; Supply Chain Management Theory and Logistics Management Theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the target population was a total of 65 management staff working in 5 Tea factories in Nyeri County, Kenya. The study applied purposive sampling technique to select; 1 functional manager, 6 supervisors, 5 sectional heads and 1 management trainee per each factory. The main data collection instruments were the questionnaires containing both open ended and close ended questions with the quantitative section of the instrument utilizing both a nominal and a Likert-type scale format. The study used primary and secondary data. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaires using Cronbach Alpha. Descriptive statistics data analysis method, inferential statistical tools such as correlation and linear regression was used to determine and explain variable relationship using Statically Package for Social Sciences version 23. The study findings are expected that it helped the management of tea factories, county government and the agriculture ministry in improving the sustainability in the tea industry in Kenya. The study findings revealed that the factories are using green packaging practices, factories use eco-designs packaging materials for the products it produces and tea factory obverses packaging re-cycle after procuring goods. The tea factory observes packaging re-use after procuring and they are using materials that can be recycled after use. However, company does not use materials that can be recycled and factories may be using some approved while others are using unproved materials. The waste management system affects sustainability, the factories have adopted alternative sources of transport apart from those that pollute the environment. There is need for the factories to recycle some products to reduce wastage and environment is clean. The study recommends that there is need to ensure that factories uses green procurement selection. There is need to use materials that not harmful to the environment. The factories should collaborate with suppliers to meet the environmental problems. There is need for the factories to use approved materials in their factories and they should materials that can be recycled later to avoid environment harm. The factories should adopt green packaging practices and also factories should use eco-designs packaging materials for the products it produces. There is need for the tea factories to put a system in place to treat hazardous wastes from tea factories such as electronics.