Browsing by Title
Now showing items 440-459 of 1067
Habitat degradation and subsequent fishery collapse in Lakes Naivasha and Baringo, Kenya
(2004)Lakes Naivasha and Baringo in the eastern Rift Valley of Kenya are shallow, freshwater lakes that are subject to major fluctuations in water level and suffer from habitat degradation as a consequence of riparian activity. ... -
Hadhira ya ushairi huru wa Kiswahili ni ipi ?
(Jarida la Mnyampala, 2021-10-20)Makala hii inaangazia mustakabali wa hadhira katika upokezi wa ushairi huru wa Kiswahili. Mwanzoni mwa miaka 1970, ushairi huu ulijitokeza kwa kasi na ulituhumiwa kwa kutozingatia arudhi za kimapokeo. ... -
Haematological Response of Rastrineobola argentea Exposed To Subchronic Doses of Inorganic Cadmium (Cd), Methylmercury and Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) via Dietary Exposure Pathway
(International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2012)Haematological indices provide information on various aspects of fish health when exposed to environmental contaminants. We evaluated the effects of cadmium, methyl mercury (MeHg), and Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) on the ... -
Headteachers’ Staff Management Strategies and Pupils’ Academic Performance in Private Primary Schools in Nyeri and Murang’a Counties, Kenya
(2023-04)Headteachers use different staff management strategies to coordinate day to day running of schools and to develop an environment that helps motivate pupils. These management strategies may be responsible for the disparity ... -
The History and Culture of Idakho People of Western Kenya during Pre-colonial Period.
(Sociology and Anthropology, 2017)This study attempted to broaden our understanding of the Idakho culture during pre-colonial period. The main aim of the research was to examine and unravel the past history pattern, cultural practices of Idakho people, to ... -
Home Sustainable Management of Invasive Pests in Africa Chapter Influence of Predatory Mites, Phytoseiulus longipes Evans. on the Within-Plant Diurnal Migration and Distribution of the Red Spider Mite, Tetranychus evansi, Baker and Pritchard on African Nightshade, Solanum scabrum
(Springer, 2020-07-14)Understanding the within-plant diurnal migration and distribution of the Red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard, in the presence of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus longipes Evans, on African nightshade, ... -
Home Based Variables Influencing Effective Implementation of Inclusive Education in Kirinyaga West Sub-County, Kenya
(Journal of Arts & Humanities, 2018)Inclusive education is a strategy designed to facilitate learning success for all children. Despite many efforts being put forth, many students with learning disabilities find it difficult to fit into the normal school ... -
Host plant resistance among tomato accessions to the spider mite Tetranychusevansi in Kenya
(Springer, 2011-04-11)The spider mite Tetranychus evansi has a broad range of host plants. Control of T. evansi has been a big challenge to tomato farmers due to its fast rate of reproduction, development of resistance to chemical pesticides ... -
(2009)Seventomato (Lycopersicon sp.) accessions wereevaluated for their resistance to thetomato red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard, in the laboratory. Data recorded was: (i) trichome density and ... -
Hourly reference evapotranspiration analysis using synoptic meteorological measurements and ERA5 reanalysis data from Kenyan Counties
(2023-09)Kenya has had five failed rain seasons for the last three years. In this context, there was a mass recurrent crop failure, death of livestock and wildlife, persistent water scarcity, and droughts of varying intensities. ... -
Human Capital Development and Services Delivery of Public Health Facilities
(International Journal of Commerce and Finance, 2020)Healthcare provision stipulated by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a relatively new concept in many developing countries SubSaharan Africa part of Asia. Therefore, this study examined the influence of human capital ... -
Human Resource Competence and Performance of CDF Projects: A Case Study of Langata Constituency, Nairobi County
(International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, 2019-08-22)Effective strategy implementation is paramount in the performanceof any company as it is vital in realisingits strategic goals. The critical success factors of strategy implementation include ... -
Hydromagnetic Turbulent Flow Between Two Parallel Infinite Plates
(Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2017)In this study we shall investigate hydromagnetic turbulent unsteady flow of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid between two parallel infinite plates. The flow variables such as velocity and thermodynamic ... -
ICT and technological development in advancing tea research in Kenya
(2015)Agriculture is the backbone of the Kenyan economy and it is constantly influenced by changes in technology. Because of the rapid development of ICT in the world, each organization or person has to concern their products ... -
Identification of Maize Leaf Diseases Based On AlexNet and ResNet50 Convolutional Neural Networks
(2023-08-30)Maize crop protection is crucial for global food security, requiring accurate disease identification. In Kenya, farmers rely on subjective visual analysis of symptomatic leaves, which is time-consuming and prone to ... -
Identification of Maize leaf diseases based on Support Vector Macina and Convolutional Neural Networks Alex Net and ResNet
(Karatina University, 2023)Protecting maize crops from devastating plant diseases ensures global food security. Accurate disease identification is essential for implementing effective control measures. However, traditional visual analysis of ... -
IFRS Adoption, Value Relevance and Conditional Conservatism: Evidence from China
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018)Purpose – This study sought to evaluate the relationship between value relevance of financial information and conditional conservatism of non-financial companies listed in China. Design/methodology/approach – Using panel ... -
Impact of aquaculture development on water quality of fish ponds in gatundu North and south sub-counties, Kenya
(International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2019-06)Aquaculture development in Kenya has increased in the recent past due to Government support, however, information on its influence on water quality is scanty. This study looked at the influence of fish culture on water ...