Browsing Research Publications by Title
Now showing items 311-330 of 795
Factors Affecting Provision of Service Quality in the Public Health Sector: A Case of Kenyatta National Hospital
(International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2012-07)Purpose – This paper seeks to explore the factors affecting provision of service quality in the public health sector in Kenya, focusing on employee capability, technology, communication and financial resources. The paper ... -
Factors influencing adoption potential of purple tea in Nyeri County: A geographic perspective
(2015)Kenya is the world’s third largest producer of tea after China and India. Tea plays a major role in Kenya’s economy as it is the third major foreign exchange earner, behind tourism and horticulture and employs approximately ... -
Factors influencing fertility preferences of currently married men in Kenya
(2016)Fertility preferences are central in determining the future fertility of the society particularly where and when those desires are implemented. The socio-cultural structures in most African communities have given men the ... -
Faculty and students’ perspectives of online learning during COVID-19 crisis: Constraints and opportunities for Kenyan universities.
(2023-04-15)At the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, all higher education institutions had to abruptly migrate from face-to-face mode of learning to virtual learning. Students and faculty members were thrown into the process of acquainting ... -
Faculty Beliefs about Multilingualism and a Multilingual Pedagogical Approach
(ERIC, 2019)Language skills are the ultimate 21st century social skill, linked to creativity, problem solving, and the ability to effectively communicate. Knowledge of teachers’ beliefs is central to understanding teachers’ decision-making ... -
Faecal Bacterial and Parasitic Contamination of Drinking Water in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya
(2012)Faecal contamination of water can introduce a variety of pathogens into water ways, including bacteria, viruses, protozoans and parasitic worms. Poor excreta disposal is often associated with lack of adequate water supplies, ... -
Farm Household Typology Based on Soil Quality and Influenced by Socio-Economic Characteristics and Fertility Management Practices in Eastern Kenya
(2023-04-12)The smallholder farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are highly diverse and heterogeneous in terms of biophysical and socio-economic characteristics. This study was conducted in upper Eastern Kenya (UEK) to categorize ... -
Farmer knowledge, management practices and occurrence of tomato root knot nematodes in Kenya.
(2023-08)Root-knot nematodes (RKNs) (Meloidogyne spp.) is a major constraint to tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production in sub-Saharan Africa; yet there is low adoption of recommended nematode control measures in regions ... -
Farmers' Preference for Onion Varieties and Implications of Knowledge of Iris Yellow Spot Disease in Kenya
(African Crop Science Journal, 2021-03)Thrip transmitted Iris yellow spot disease (IYSD) is an economically important viral disease, affecting bulb onions worldwide. Recommended IYSD resistant varieties are not commonly grown in countries like Kenya, yet ... -
Financial control and growth of private primary schools in Kenya
(International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 2020-10)Proper management of finances in private primary schools is very imperative to their operations. There are, however, serious financial challenges in these private schools in Kenya as characterized by unprecedented high ... -
Financing provision of environmental services in Mt. Elgon region for the protection of watersheds
(VDM Dr Muller Gmbh and co, 2011-01)This study examined direct payments for environmental services (PES) as a program for supporting the conservation of forest resources and services where environmental conservation is financed on the basis ... -
Fine-scale habitat heterogeneity influences browsing damage by elephant and giraffe
(Wiley Publishers, 2020-06)Effects of large mammalian herbivores on woody vegetation tend to be heterogeneous in space and time, but the factors that drive such heterogeneity are poorly understood. We examined the influence of fine-scale habitat ... -
Fine‐scale variation in soil and topography influences herbaceous vegetation and the distribution of large mammalian herbivores
(Wiley, 2023-04)Current understanding of the distribution of vegetation and large mammalian herbivores (LMH) is based on a combination of biogeographic studies and highly controlled field experiments, but a more complete understanding ... -
Fire disturbance disrupts an acacia ant–plant mutualism in favor of a subordinate ant species
(EcologicalSocietyof America, 2017)Although disturbance theory has been recognized as a useful framework in examining the stability of ant–plant mutualisms, very few studies have examined the effects of fire disturbance on these mutualisms. In myrmecophyt ... -
Fire disturbance disrupts an acacia ant–plant mutualism in favor of a subordinate ant species
(Wiley and sons, 2017-03)Although disturbance theory has been recognized as a useful framework in examining the stability of ant–plant mutualisms, very few studies have examined the effects of fire disturbance on these mutualisms. In myrmecophyt ... -
Fiscal Asymmetric Decentralization Conundrum: Influence of County Cash Management on Household Effects in Kenya
(International Journal of Applied Business and International Management, 2020)This study aims at determining the influence of county cash management on household effects in Kenya. This is a qualitative research that has utilized both primary and secondary data from county governments and the National ... -
Fiscal Asymmetric Decentralization Conundrum: Influence of County Cash Management on Household Effects in Kenyav
(2020)This study aims at determining the influence of county cash management on household effects in Kenya. This is a qualitative research that has utilized both primary and secondary data from county governments and the National ... -
Fish Growth Performance at High Altitude Environment at Karatina University, Kenya
(Global Journal of Advanced Research, 2018-10)This report entails the findings of fish growth performance project that targeted high altitude environment. One such environment is Karatina university fish ponds in Kenya. Fingerlings of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), ... -
Fishing power of conventionally harvested wetland baitworms compared to black soldier fly larvae as alternative baits in tropical artisanal hook fishery
(2018)Extensive and intensive, harvesting of earthworms and polychaetes from wetland substrate, for artisanal hook fishery, affect structural and functional integrity of these critical habitats. Cultured Black Soldier Fly larvae ...