Browsing Research Publications by Title
Now showing items 367-386 of 795
ICT and technological development in advancing tea research in Kenya
(2015)Agriculture is the backbone of the Kenyan economy and it is constantly influenced by changes in technology. Because of the rapid development of ICT in the world, each organization or person has to concern their products ... -
Identification of Maize Leaf Diseases Based On AlexNet and ResNet50 Convolutional Neural Networks
(2023-08-30)Maize crop protection is crucial for global food security, requiring accurate disease identification. In Kenya, farmers rely on subjective visual analysis of symptomatic leaves, which is time-consuming and prone to ... -
IFRS Adoption, Value Relevance and Conditional Conservatism: Evidence from China
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018)Purpose – This study sought to evaluate the relationship between value relevance of financial information and conditional conservatism of non-financial companies listed in China. Design/methodology/approach – Using panel ... -
Impact of aquaculture development on water quality of fish ponds in gatundu North and south sub-counties, Kenya
(International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2019-06)Aquaculture development in Kenya has increased in the recent past due to Government support, however, information on its influence on water quality is scanty. This study looked at the influence of fish culture on water ... -
Impact of human activities on land degradation IN Lugari subcounty, Kakamega county, Kenya
(E3 Journals, 2016-10)This study investigated the impact of human activities on land degradation in Lugari Sub-County, Kakamega County in Kenya. The study sought to analyze the extent of land degradation; identify the causative factors for land ... -
The Impact of Information Management Practices on the performance of County Governments in Central Kenya: A Case of Nyeri County
(2016-04)Information management is critical in influencing an organisation’s ability to sustain a long-term competitive advantage. This chapter, resulting from a research study, examines the impact of information management practices ... -
Impact of innovation on the financial performance of KTDA managed tea factories: A case of Meru and Kirinyaga counties
(2015)Kenya is a key player in global tea industry and especially through Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA). However, KTDA has been facing the challenges of increasing cost of production in the recent past. The higher processing ... -
The Impact Of Policy Changes In The Education Sector On The Development Of The Book Publishing Industry In Kenya
(Unisa Press, 2009)This article explores the impact of policy changes in the education sector on the de-velopment of the book publishing sector in Kenya. The article begins by detailing the current status of the book publishing sector in ... -
Impacts of Bush Encroachment on Wildlife Species Diversity, Composition, and Habitat Preference in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Laikipia, Kenya
(Hindawi International Journal of Ecology, 2017)Savannah ecosystems are currently facing a biome shift that changes grasslands to woody dominated landscapes, attributable to habitat degradation. In Ol Pejeta Conservancy (OPC), Eucleadivinorum, an unpalatable and invasive ... -
Impacts of Bush Encroachment on Wildlife Species Diversity, Composition, and Habitat Preference in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Laikipia, Kenya
(Hindawi, 2017)Savannah ecosystems are currently facing a biome shift that changes grasslands to woody dominated landscapes, attributable to habitat degradation. InOl PejetaConservancy (OPC), Euclea divinorum, anunpalatable and invasivewoody ... -
The Implications of Collaborative Industrial Attachments for Kenya Vision 2030 Development Programmes
(African Journal of Education and Technology, 2013)The purpose of this study is to establish the influence of industrial attachment on instructors’ and students’ competence in creative innovations for improved industrial output. The study also attempted to determine the ... -
Importance of Ethics in Safeguarding and Ensuring High Quality Research
(2023-10)The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the important of ethics in safeguarding and ensuring high quality research. Ethics are norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about individual behavior and ... -
Importance of Ethics in Safeguarding and Ensuring High Quality Research
(2023-10)The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the important of ethics in safeguarding and ensuring high quality research. Ethics are norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about individual behavior and ... -
Importance of Ethics in Safeguarding and Ensuring High Quality Research.
(2023-10)Abstract The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the important of ethics in safeguarding and ensuring high quality research. Ethics are norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about individual ... -
In Vitro Analysis of Antibacterial and Antifungal Potency af Tissue Cultured and Indigenous Aloe Secundiflora Plant Extracts
(American Research Institute for Policy Development, 2014-06) -
In Vitro Bioactivities of Commonly Consumed Cereal, Vegetable, and Legume Seeds as Related to Their Bioactive Components: An Untargeted Metabolomics Approach Using UHPLC–QTOF-MS2.
(2023-07): We conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the antioxidant, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, and anti-glycation activities associated with the consumption of broccoli, red cabbage, alfalfa, and buckwheat seeds. Additionally, ... -
In Vitro Bioactivities of Commonly Consumed Cereal, Vegetable, and Legume Seeds as Related to Their Bioactive Components: An Untargeted Metabolomics Approach Using UHPLC–QTOF-MS2.
(MDPI, 2023-07-27)We conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the antioxidant, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, and anti-glycation activities associated with the consumption of broccoli, red cabbage, alfalfa, and buckwheat seeds. Additionally, ...