Browsing Research Publications by Title
Now showing items 580-599 of 795
Participatory Communication Strategies Used in the Implementation of Public Water Projects in Murang'a County, Case Study of Northern Collector Tunnel, Kenya.
(2020-05-14)Development communication plays a major role in informing and influencing the behavior of the receiver of information. Effective development communication motivates people to participate in planned activities, ... -
Participatory Governance in Secondary Schools: The Students’ Viewpoint in Eastern Region of Kenya
(Journal of Education and Practice, 2015)The purpose of the study was to determine the students’ view on participatory school governance in secondary schools of the Eastern region, Kenya. Participatory school governance implies the involvement of stakeholders in ... -
PCBs in fish and their cestode parasites in Lake Victoria
(Environ Monit Assess, 2016)Polychlorinatedbiphenyls(PCBs)areclassified as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) regulated by the Stockholm Convention (2001). Although their production and use was stopped almost three decades ago, PCBs are environmental ... -
Peace building and Transformation from below: Indigenous Approaches to Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation among the Pastoral Societies in the Borderlands of Eastern Africa.
(2008-06-25)Violence among the pastoral communities in the borderlands of Eastern Africa has escalated to such an extent that governments seem to be unable to contain the conflict. More is needed than efforts by states to restore law ... -
Pedagogical skill of part-time lecturers effects on quality of university education in public universities in Kenya
(2016)The study aimed at establishing the effect of pedagogical skills of part-time lecturers on quality of university education in the public universities in Kenya. The study was driven by the complaints by many authors, ... -
The Perceived Supervisor and Organizational support on Organizational Climate
(2014-03)ABSTRACT Organizational Climate Was Viewed To Be Comprised Of Qualities That Discriminate One Firm From Another, That Endure Overtime And Help To Control Actions Of Employees Within The Organization (Forehand And Von ... -
Performance of a semiochemical-baited autoinoculation device treated with Metarhizium anisopliae for control of Frankliniella occidentalis on French bean in field cages
(Karatina University, 2011-12-16)The performance of an autoinoculation device was evaluated in field cage experiments for control of Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in French bean, Phaseolus vulgaris ... -
Performance of Incubator Centres in Kenya: The Pivotal Role of Entrepreneurial Management
(International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 2018)Globally, countries are strategically positioning themselves for market leadership due to dynamic business environment. Entrepreneurial spirit is seen as the strategy that will deliver this agenda. This spirit, is believed ... -
Performance of Incubator Centre’s in Kenya: The Pivotal Pole of Entrepreneurial Panagement
(2018-06)Globally, countries are strategically positioning themselves for market leadership due to dynamic business environment. Entrepreneurial spirit is seen as the strategy that will deliver this agenda. This spirit, ... -
The PESTLE dynamics in tea trade: Effects on return to the farmer and sustainability of the smallholder tea enterprise
(2015)Tea plays an important role in Kenya as it contributes about 26% of foreign exchange earnings and supports approximately five million people. Since independence, the Tea Industry has experienced rapid growth in acreage ... -
Physical characteristics, proximate composition and anti-nutritional factors in grains of lablab bean (Lablab purpureus) genotypes from Kenya
(2017-06)Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine the physical characteristics, nutritional composition and anti-nutritional factors of grains from three lablab bean varieties with different colours and size ... -
Physical Planning and Growth of Private Primary Schools in Kenya
(Journal of Management and Business Education, 2020-11)In Kenya, the number of private schools has increased more than four times since the introduction of the Free Primary Education (FPE) policy in 2003. The number of children attending private primary schools increased from ... -
Phytofabrication of Iron Nanoparticles and their Catalytic Activity
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, 2019-06-20)Metallic nanoparticles that have photocatalytic activity can be synthesized using aqueous plant extracts. The aim of this study was to synthesize iron nanoparticles using Lantana trifolia extracts and to evaluate their ... -
Planning expertise, variables influencing performance outcomes and management of wedding organization firms in Nairobi County, Kenya
(University of Nairobi, 2015)Best practices are essential to the survival of Kenyan firms in tourism. Though diversification into wedding organisation has attracted investment from Kenyan entrepreneurs, hardly any information has been documented on ... -
Polarized Phase Holograms of High Diffraction Efficiency
(2023-05-10)Holography has a wide application in medicine, optical computers, scanners among others. Conventional studies on analogue holograms have mainly been conducted on image generation, processing and reconstruction. However, ... -
Police Corruption and Canada’s Distinction
(African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019)Corruption in policing is a topic for renewal, in any country, as the growing challenges and opportunities of advancing technology and Internet access, changing police science and the ever-evolving relationship of police ... -
(International Journal of Education and Research, 2015-07-07)Historically assessment of juvenile offenders began during colonial era, when every young people who disobeyed colonial rules of regional zoning, labour provision, and hut tax among others were considered offenders and ... -
The polyphenolic composition and radical scavenging properties of Kenyan tea cultivars
(2015)Interest in medicinal and health enhancing properties of functional components in foods continues to arouse a lot of interest. Polyphenolic fractions in tea are potent bioactive molecules. In this study, the polyphenolic ...