Browsing Research Publications by Title
Now showing items 507-526 of 795
Macroinvertebrate assemblages along a land-use gradient in the upper River Njoro watershed of Lake Nakuru drainage basin, Kenya
(Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, 2007) -
Macroinvertebrate assemblages as biological indicators of water quality in the Moiben River, Kenya
(African Journal of Aquatic Science, 2010-01) -
Macroinvertebrate metrics and lipid profiles as potential indicators of land use influence in a high altitude tropical highland stream (Sagana River Basin, Kenya)
(Elsevier, 2024)Land use practices near river ecotones result in numerous inputs of terrestrial materials into the river ecosystem. While macroinvertebrates population metrics is widely used in monitoring water quality changes, including ... -
Management of university research output in digital era: A case of Strathmore university library
(research gate, 2013-07)Today scholarly information is being produced in digital format unlike few years ago when scholars used to present their work in a hard format.Kanyengo (2009) notes that creators of knowledge and publishers of knowledge ... -
Management Strategies of Prosopis juliflora in Eastern Africa: What Works Where?
(2024-04-22)Abstract: Prosopis juliflora is a shrub/tree originating from the Americas. Since its introduction for fuel wood afforestation into eastern Africa, it has been invading crop- and rangelands with negative effects on the ... -
Managerial Skills and Corporate Strategic Planning
(International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 2016)The aim of this study is to establish the relationship between managerial skills and corporate strategic planning. The study was premised on increased call to meticulous strategic planning in all organizations across all ... -
Managing Workplace Diversity:A Kenyan Pespective
(International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2013-12)Workplace diversity is a must have for all organizations in a country incase they want to have social, economic and political gains.Diversity is generally said to mean acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing and ... -
Maongezi Katika Riwaya Za Kiswahili
(Karatina University, 2022-08-08)IKISIRI Makala hii inaangazia dhima ya maongezi katika riwaya ya Kiswahili. Riwaya ni mojawapo wa tanzu muhimu za fasihi ya Kiswahili ambayo inaendelea kukua kwa upande wa wahusika, dhamira, maudhui, mtindo na upeo. ... -
Maximising the socioeconomic value of indigenous knowledge through policies and legislation in Kenya
(Emerald insight, 2018)Purpose – Indigenous knowledge (IK) is the anchor of survival and stability for indigenous communities. The purpose of this study was to establish how the socioeconomic value of IK can be maximised in Kenya througheffect ... -
Meat is the Meal and Status is by Meat: Recognition of Rank, Wealth, and Respect Through Meat in Turkana Culture
(Taylor and Francis, 2006-12)Although milk is the main meal and major contributor to nutritional requirements of the Turkana nomads, livestock-meat increasingly becomes central to the diet whenever the milk supply declines, and as the dry season ... -
Mechanisms Used by Academic Libraries in Kenya to Enhance Webometrics Ranking
(2023-04)Libraries essentially provide equal and fair access to information. Thus, they have a significant influence on the Webometrics ranking of universities across the world. Academic libraries affect Webometrics ranking ... -
Mechanisms Used by Academic Libraries in Kenya to Enhance Webometrics Ranking
(2023-04)Libraries essentially provide equal and fair access to information. Thus, they have a significant influence on the Webometrics ranking of universities across the world. Academic libraries affect Webometrics ranking ... -
The Media of Washatiyah Dakwah in Quranic Exegesis Study
(Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal, 2020-03)Food waste occurs when food is ready for consumption but not consumed. Food waste has considerable social, economic and environmental impacts. Even though it has become a global concern, no comprehensive studies on food ... -
The mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between decision-making and firm performance in Kenya
(International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 2017-08)Manufacturing firms are the single greatest contributors to industrialization and economic development. In Kenya, manufacturing firms contribute 14% of gross domestic product, train and employ 30% of the workforce, and ... -
Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership on the Relationship between Senior Team Attributes and Organizational Ambidexterity of Coffee Marketing Cooperative Societies in Kenya
(2023-08)Coffee has been an important cash crop in Kenya’s agricultural sector. Coffee is a foreign exchange earner to the country, main source of employment in rural areas, providing food security and income for the rural ... -
The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between organization capacity and performance of manufacturing small and medium enterprises
(IIPCCL Publishing,, 2018-11)This cross-sectional study was carried out to establish the eff ect of organization capacity and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) on performance of manufacturing SMEs in Kenya. The small and medium enterprise (SME) ... -
Metaphoric Conceptualisation of “LOVE IS A PLANT” in Gĩkũyũ: A Cognitive-Semantics Perspective
(Bulletin of Advanced English Studies, 2019)Starting from the premise that a metaphor is a cognitive mechanism in which one experiential domain is partially mapped onto a different experiential domain , this paper examines the metaphoric conceptualis ation of “LOVE ... -
Metaphoric Conceptualizations of Death in Gĩkũyũ
(KOAJKorea Open Access Journals, 2017)Using the dictum that metaphor is a conceptual mapping from a concrete source domain to an abstract target domain, this paper identifies and categorizes the metaphors of death in Gĩkũyũ using the Conceptual Metaphor Theory. ... -
Metazoan Parasites of Some Commercially Important Fish along the Kenyan Coast
(WIOMSA, 2004)The parasitic fauna of some commercial fish species along the Kenyan coast was investigated at four localities between August 2001 and March 2002. The study was carried out to establish the extent of parasitisation of ... -
The Migrant Labour System in the Asian-Owned Sugar Plantations in Kisumu County, Kenya, 1940 –1963
(jiarm, 2016-06)This paper examines the contribution of the African migrant labour to the expansion of Asian sugar plantation industry in Kisumu County of Kenya. These factors included government policies and the availability of cheap ...