Browsing Research Publications by Title
Now showing items 744-763 of 795
Tag Archives: Information Security A Configurational Approach of the Relationship between Information Security Management and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya
(European - American Journals, 2014-07)Enterprises corresponding to a backbone of a modern society recognize information security management (ISM) as one of business management factors.Companies suffer significant financial and reputational damage due to ... -
Task Based Learning as an Alternative Approach to the Teaching of Languages in Kenyan Schools: Towards Best Practices
(2014)Although language syllabuses in Kenyan primary and secondary schools encourage teachers to involve learners in their own learning, actual classroom practices reveal that this is not fully implemented for various reasons. ... -
Taxation and SME's sector growth
(Society for Business Research Promotion, 2007) -
Tea and biofertilizers: A below ground biodiversity sustainable approach
(2015)Tea is produced in the humid tropical and sub-tropical regions, which are home to rich biodiversity. The tea plantation environments have the potential to conserve a rich biodiversity which could serve as a source of ... -
Tea trade in Kenyan markets: Effects of marketing strategies on sustainable domestic market and return to the smallholder tea enterprise
(2015)Kenya is the third largest tea producer and the leading producer of black tea in the world. It exports over 99% of her tea as black CTC of which 88% is exported in bulk form while the rest as value added tea. Kenyan tea ... -
Teachers’ and students’ perceptions about form one placement of students in public secondary schools in Mumias Division, Kakamega County, Kenya
(General Studies, 2013)The study was geared towards establishing teachers and students perceptions about Form One placement of students in public secondary schools in Mumias Division, Kakamega County, Kenya. The study targeted all teachers, ... -
The Teaching of English Idioms in Kenyan Secondary Schools: Difficulties and Effective Strategies
(Australian International Academic Centre, 2016) -
Technological capability of the Marist International University College to support a knowledge management initiative
(University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2014-12-14)This article is based on a Master’s degree study which aimed to conduct a knowledge management (KM) assessment at the Marist International University College (MIUC), Nairobi-Kenya. Adopting the technology aspect of ... -
Technological innovation promoters, service quality practices and performance of SACCOs in Kenya
(2020-07)The programmed co-operative enterprises’ innovation initiatives in Kenya have been below their expectations of customers. The majority (60%) of the customers are satisfied by banking and related financial services offered ... -
Technological Innovation: Higher Education, Small Manufacturing Enterprises Growth and the Five (i) Technological Development Model In Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research, 2015-07): In Less Developed Countries (LDCs), most graduates from higher institutions learning are absorbed in the informal sector and/or micro and small enterprises. Knowledge development through training, research and experiential ... -
Technological Preferences, Levels of Utilization and Attitude of Students Towards Mobile Learning Technologies in Chartered Universities, Kenya
(Australian International Academic Centre, 2017-10)The affordances of mobile technologies are being felt in many sectors of world’s economy including university education. By solving the limitations of fixed instructional technologies, mobile technologies have received ... -
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and its Application to the Utilization of Mobile Learning Technologies
(SCIENCEDOMAIN international, 2017-02)Researchers have argued that inclusion of technologies in the teaching-learning places must be preceded by the user accepting the technology. Without this effort, the technologies remain abandoned or heavily underutilized ... -
Technology adoption in socializing applied sciences for exploitation of renewable natural resources sustainably
(International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research, 2014-11)Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle class income country providing high quality life to all her citizens in a safe and secure environment by the year 2030. To achieve this, ... -
Temperature-dependent development of Megalurothripssjostedti and Frankliniellaoccidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
(2002-09)Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom) and Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanciptera: Thripidae) are among the most serious pests of French beans, Phaseolus vulgaris var. Monel in Kenya and occur in all major growing ... -
Temporal changes in Rainfall and Temperature influence on Solid Waste Generation in Bungoma County Urban Centres, Kenya
(2024-07-28)Globally, temperature and rainfall play an integral role in the management of solid waste in urban areas. This is because many countries especially, the developing countries conventionally rely on both variables in the ... -
Testing for Cointegration and Granger Causality: Evidence from Selected Indigenous Egg Markets in Kenya
(Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, 2016)Despite the increasing consumer demand for indigenous eggs, particularly among the urban rich in Kenya, empirical analysis of spatial market integration has received limited attention. This study is an attempt to analyze ... -
TIVET Trainees Attitudes Towards Technical Training in TIVET in Nyeri County, Kenya
(International Journal of Education and Research, 2016)Technical, Industrial, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Institutions provide a major link in the Kenyan economy by providing technical skilled personnel who occupy the mid-level positions. The purpose of this study ... -
To Investigate the Effect of Microwaves Irradiated Water and Feeds On The Broilers.
(UGC Care listed, 2020-02)In electromagnetic spectrum, microwaves radiation spans a range from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. These radiationshave been used in many devices that are used by humanbeings.They may be very harmful for living organisms. Bad effects ... -
Top management team characteristics, strategy implementation, competitive environment and organizational performance a critical review of literature
(2016-06)Ever growing dynamism in the world requires Top Management Teams (TMT) in strategy formation and organizational performance. Empirical work on the relationship between TMT and organization performance yields conflicting ... -
Towards an ICT Integrated Management of School Curriculum: A Review of the Status in Secondary Schools in Uasin-Gishu and Nandi Counties, Kenya
(Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research (JEPER), 2016)This paper delvesinto the status of integration of ICTs in the management of the teachinglearning process in secondary schools in two counties of UasinGishu and Nandi in Kenya. The main objective of the study was to examine ...